도시 공동주거단지의 수순환 시스템 구축 연구

도시 공동주거단지의 수순환 시스템 구축 연구
Other Titles
A study on the Water circulating system of the Urban Community Housing Complex; With Special Reference to Apartment Complex
Alternative Author(s)
Jinju, Chung
Issue Date
지금까지 도시 빗물관리는 대규모 강우에 대응하여 빗물을 도시 외부로 빠르게 밀어내는 배수기능 중심으로 이루어져왔다. 빠른 배수를 목적으로 하는 과거 관거 위주의 배수방식은 수순환의 왜곡으로 이어져 증발산량 감소와 지하수위 하강, 건천화, 생태환경 악화, 비점오염원 증가 등 개발 이전과는 다른 도시 환경을 만들었다. 친환경적 빗물관리 방안에 관심이 증가함에 따라, 2010년 이후 수순환 시스템 구축을 중심으로 한 저영향개발(LID) 방식의 도입이 증가 일로에 있다. 해외의 경우 토지이용행태에 적합한 다양한 수순환 시스템 정책 및 사례들이 시도되고 있지만, 우리나라의 경우 구체적인 실행방안에 대한 연구 및 적용 사례가 미비하다. 우리나라 서울시의 주거형태 중 아파트가 차지하는 비율은 약 60%로, 이는 단순한 주택유형이 아닌 국내 주거문화를 대표하는 건축물이라고 할 수 있다. 아파트 단지의 수순환 시스템 적용 관련 연구가 2010년을 중심으로 진행되고 있으나, 신도시 및 재개발단지에 대한 접근만 이루어지고 있다. ‘2010년 도시생태현황도’에 따르면 서울의 토지이용현황은 녹지 및 오픈스페이스 지역이 31.9% 및 하천 및 호소 8.1%를 제외하고 60% 이상이 이미 개발이 이루어진 기 개발단지이다. 하지만 이에 대한 고려가 없이 단편적인 수순환 시스템 개선 및 적용이 이루어지고 있다. 이와 같은 맥락에서 본 연구는 도시 공동주거단지의 대표적 주거유형인 아파트단지를 대상으로 수순환 시스템을 구축해봄으로써 첫째, 기 개발된 아파트단지를 대상으로 서울시 빗물관리 기본계획 가이드라인에서 제시하는 빗물분담량에 따른 필요대책량 목표량으로 이를 충족할 수 있는 수순환 계획·설계안을 제시하고 둘째, 공간별 적용시설 계획 및 기능별 적용시설 설계를 통하여 아파트단지 내 수순환 시스템 적용해 봄으로써 수순환 시스템 구축의 효율성을 검증해 볼 목적으로 수행되었다. 본 설계는 서울특별시 강동구에 위치한 ‘고덕리엔파크3단지’를 대상지로 서울특별시 빗물관리 기본계획 가이드라인을 적용하였다. 대상지 수순환 시스템의 회복을 위한 첫 번째 단계로 공간별 적용요소를 도출하고, 도출된 공간별 적용요소를 이용하여 빗물분담량 대비 필요대책량을 만족할 수 있는 공간별 침투·저류시설 배치계획을 진행하였다. 기능별 설계를 위해 침투·저류시설로 기능을 구분하고 상세 설계를 진행하였다. 상수도를 대체할 수 있는 빗물의 평균치를 산정한 값을 만족하기 위하여 기존 저류시설 외 추가로 저류시설을 설치하였다. 또한, 침투시설 계획·설계를 통해 필요대책량을 보완하였다. 설계 적용 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 침투시설의 도입을 통해 기존 대상지의 우수유출량의 일부를 자연지반으로 침투·확장 등의 환경적 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 둘째, 상수도로 사용되던 조경용수, 살수용수, 화장실용수 등을 빗물로 대체하여 사용함으로써 연간 상수도 요금 절감효과를 검증 할 수 있었다. 셋째, 본 설계에서 제시하는 수순환 시스템은 토양의 자연 정화능력을 최대한 활용하고자 하는 방식으로 대상지의 녹지율을 증가시켜 빗물의 유달시간을 늦춰 홍수예방 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 향후 도시주거환경의 경관 및 미관 조화, 자연 공간의 확대, 자연적 수순환의 복원, 토양 생태성의 향상, 비점오염원의 관리, 우수유출저감, 미기후 개선 등의 개선에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.|Storm water management in a city has focused on drainage that drains rainwater from an area rapidly coping with heavy rainfall until now. Conduit oriented drainage with the aim of rapid drainage has led to deterioration of water circulation, decreased the amount of transpiration, reduced ground water level, dry stream phenomenon, worsened ecological environment and increased nonpoint pollution source. As an interest in eco friendly storm water management has increased, the introduction of low impact development(LID)that focus on water circulation system construction has risen since 2010. In foreign countries, various water circulation system policies suitable for land use behaviors have been attempted whereas in South Korea, research on concrete implementation and application cases have been insufficient. Apartment houses account for about 60percent(%) of residence types in Seoul. Apartment houses are representative buildings for residence in South Korea. Studies on application of water circulation system to apartment complexes have been conducted since 2010 but they have focused on new towns and redevelopment complexes. According to ‘2010 Biotope Map’, over 60 percent(%) of land in Seoul has been already developed except green belt and open space accounting for 31.9% and river and lake constituting 8.1%. However, fragmentary water circulation system improvement and application without considering above mentioned matters have been made. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, this study aims to present water circulation plan for developed apartment complexes by constructing water circulation system based on a guideline for storm water management. Second, this study aims to verify efficiency of constructed water circulation system by applying water circulation system to apartment complex. In this study, a guideline for storm water management was applied to 'Koduck Rien Park Complex 3' located in Gangdong-gu, Seoul. Elements applicable according to space were obtained as the first step toward the restoration of water circulation system in a target area. Storm water reservoir of seepage water and storm water detention facilities were placed in such a manner that they can meet needed amount by using elements applicable according to space. Functions were classified into storm water reservoir of seepage water and storm water detention facilities for functional designs. Additional storm water detention facilities were installed to satisfy values calculated as an average of rainwater that can replace water supply. The required amount was supplemented through plan for storm water reservoir of seepage water. The results of applying the design are as follows. First, some of the amount of storm runoff was penetrated and expanded into natural soil in a target area by introducing storm water reservoir of seepage water. Second, storm water is used for landscape architecture or agriculture, which leads to a reduction of water rate. Third, water circulation system proposed in this study can prevent flood by slowing down time of concentration of storm water and increasing green zone rate in a manner that makes the most of natural purification of soil. The findings of this study are expected to contributing to improving landscape architecture of urban residential environment, soil ecology, nonpoint pollution management, microclimate, expanding natural space, restoring natural water circulation and reducing run-off.; Storm water management in a city has focused on drainage that drains rainwater from an area rapidly coping with heavy rainfall until now. Conduit oriented drainage with the aim of rapid drainage has led to deterioration of water circulation, decreased the amount of transpiration, reduced ground water level, dry stream phenomenon, worsened ecological environment and increased nonpoint pollution source. As an interest in eco friendly storm water management has increased, the introduction of low impact development(LID)that focus on water circulation system construction has risen since 2010. In foreign countries, various water circulation system policies suitable for land use behaviors have been attempted whereas in South Korea, research on concrete implementation and application cases have been insufficient. Apartment houses account for about 60percent(%) of residence types in Seoul. Apartment houses are representative buildings for residence in South Korea. Studies on application of water circulation system to apartment complexes have been conducted since 2010 but they have focused on new towns and redevelopment complexes. According to ‘2010 Biotope Map’, over 60 percent(%) of land in Seoul has been already developed except green belt and open space accounting for 31.9% and river and lake constituting 8.1%. However, fragmentary water circulation system improvement and application without considering above mentioned matters have been made. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, this study aims to present water circulation plan for developed apartment complexes by constructing water circulation system based on a guideline for storm water management. Second, this study aims to verify efficiency of constructed water circulation system by applying water circulation system to apartment complex. In this study, a guideline for storm water management was applied to 'Koduck Rien Park Complex 3' located in Gangdong-gu, Seoul. Elements applicable according to space were obtained as the first step toward the restoration of water circulation system in a target area. Storm water reservoir of seepage water and storm water detention facilities were placed in such a manner that they can meet needed amount by using elements applicable according to space. Functions were classified into storm water reservoir of seepage water and storm water detention facilities for functional designs. Additional storm water detention facilities were installed to satisfy values calculated as an average of rainwater that can replace water supply. The required amount was supplemented through plan for storm water reservoir of seepage water. The results of applying the design are as follows. First, some of the amount of storm runoff was penetrated and expanded into natural soil in a target area by introducing storm water reservoir of seepage water. Second, storm water is used for landscape architecture or agriculture, which leads to a reduction of water rate. Third, water circulation system proposed in this study can prevent flood by slowing down time of concentration of storm water and increasing green zone rate in a manner that makes the most of natural purification of soil. The findings of this study are expected to contributing to improving landscape architecture of urban residential environment, soil ecology, nonpoint pollution management, microclimate, expanding natural space, restoring natural water circulation and reducing run-off.
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