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싱가포르 건축공사 표준계약조건에 대한 연구

싱가포르 건축공사 표준계약조건에 대한 연구
Other Titles
Analysis of Standard Building Contract Conditions in Singapore
Issue Date
국내건설회사의 해외건설사업 실적을 확인할 수 있는 해외건설협회 자료 중 최근 5개년(2015년∼2019년 상반기) 기준을 보게 되면, 토목/건축/플랜트 업종의 해외건설 수주고는 글로벌 기준으로 130,975 백만 미불이고, 사업 분포는 토목(22.5%), 건축(18.1%), 플랜트(59.4%)를 보이고 있다. 글로벌 기준에서 대륙별 분포를 보게 되면, 아시아가 62,772 백만 미불로서 47.9%를 차지하며, 사업별 분포는 토목(28.8%), 건축(23.6%), 플랜트(47.6%)이다. 아시아 지역에서 동남아시아가 42,533 백만 미불로 아시아 지역의 67.8%를 차지하며, 사업별 분포는 토목(35.4%), 건축(18.4%), 플랜트(46.2%)이다. 아시아 국가 중, 본 연구의 대상 국가인 싱가포르를 보게 되면, 9,593 백만 미불로서 아시아 지역 수주의 22.6%를 차지하고 있으며, 사업 분야 별로는 토목(86.7%), 건축(13.2%), 플랜트(0.1%)로 타 국가 분포 대비 토목의 비중이 월등히 높고 플랜트는 거의 없는 것을 볼 수 있다. 토목의 경우 전체 글로벌 수주고에서 싱가포르 수주액이 차지하는 비율이 28.2%인 반면, 건축의 경우 5.4%로서 지난 5년간 건축공사 비율이 상당히 감소 중임을 볼 수 있다. 최근 5년간 국내 건설업체의 싱가포르 건축공사 수주가 줄어든 이유로는 민간 발주물량이 줄어든 이유와, 외국업체와 현지 업체 간 기술격차가 줄어든 상황 속에서 현지 업체들의 가격 경쟁력을 앞세운 전략적 투찰에도 원인이 있다고 할 수 있겠다. 이처럼 싱가포르 현지에서의 공급자간 경쟁심화와 더불어 수요자 위주의 시장 환경이 지속됨에 따라 계약조건의 수정이 자유로운 민간 건축 부문에서는 수요자와 공급자 간의 책임과 의무를 규정하는 계약조건이 수요자에게 유리하게 수정되어 사용되어 사용되고 있는지, 그리고 그러한 계약조항들은 어떠한 것들이 있는지 민간 발주공사 입찰사례 계약조건 검토를 통하여 확인하였다. 또한 3개의 건축공사 표준계약서 조항 하나하나에 대하여 전문가 인터뷰를 통해, 어느 조항들이 발주자나 시공자의 리스크 분배 관점에서 어느 한 쪽에 치우치게 책임과 의무를 더 부담시키고 있는지 점수화 통해, 계약서 전체적으로 발주자와 시공자간의 리스크 할당의 정도를 정량적으로 평가해 보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 싱가포르 계약조건 자체가 발주자와 시공자간의 책임과 리스크를 어느 정도 공평하게 분배하고 있는지를 객관적으로 판단해 보았다. 부록에서는 2개의 싱가포르 표준계약서 조항을 FIDIC 표준계약을 기준으로 항목별 비교를 함으로써 어떠한 차이점이 있는지 살펴보았다. |Singapore is one of important countries for korean global construction companies. Singapore was part of common wealth of Nations, so construction contract systems based on English law and contract. The standard Building Contract Conditions in Singapore was made from the English system but it has been developed and modified uniquely with reflection of the country’s own culture and environment. In this study by scoring the each contract condition in terms of risk allocation between Employer and Contractor, it was intended to find out how much more or less Singapore Building Contract Conditions are balanced Contract compared to FIDIC contract condition which is international one. Contract Management is very critical in order to complete the project with success. Nowadays the contract conditions are getting more adverse and harsh for the Contractors. Because the competitions between contractors in the construction market are extremely high and more the contract consultants working for Employers’ side, it is geeting more difficult for contractors. Global construction company needs to know well about the international contract conditions such as FIDIC and NEC etc. But the building standard contract conditions in singapore themselves are also worth while to be analysed. There are many study about international standard contract conditions but it is hard to find the study about the singapore’s one. As I was working related to risk management of overseas building project tendering, the singapore’s project portion is quite high and it was found that some cases’ contract conditions are very unfavorable to Contractor. Therefore it was the motive of this study was thought and initiated. Hopefully this insufficient study will be beneficial to someone who is related to Singapore building construction business.; Singapore is one of important countries for korean global construction companies. Singapore was part of common wealth of Nations, so construction contract systems based on English law and contract. The standard Building Contract Conditions in Singapore was made from the English system but it has been developed and modified uniquely with reflection of the country’s own culture and environment. In this study by scoring the each contract condition in terms of risk allocation between Employer and Contractor, it was intended to find out how much more or less Singapore Building Contract Conditions are balanced Contract compared to FIDIC contract condition which is international one. Contract Management is very critical in order to complete the project with success. Nowadays the contract conditions are getting more adverse and harsh for the Contractors. Because the competitions between contractors in the construction market are extremely high and more the contract consultants working for Employers’ side, it is geeting more difficult for contractors. Global construction company needs to know well about the international contract conditions such as FIDIC and NEC etc. But the building standard contract conditions in singapore themselves are also worth while to be analysed. There are many study about international standard contract conditions but it is hard to find the study about the singapore’s one. As I was working related to risk management of overseas building project tendering, the singapore’s project portion is quite high and it was found that some cases’ contract conditions are very unfavorable to Contractor. Therefore it was the motive of this study was thought and initiated. Hopefully this insufficient study will be beneficial to someone who is related to Singapore building construction business.
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