Immune inflammatory modulation as a potential therapeutic strategy of stem cell therapy for ALS and neurodegenerative diseases
- Title
- Immune inflammatory modulation as a potential therapeutic strategy of stem cell therapy for ALS and neurodegenerative diseases
- Author
- 오기욱
- Keywords
- ALS; Biomarker; BM-MSCs; Immune modulation; Neurodegenerative disease
- Issue Date
- 2018-11
- Publisher
- Citation
- BMB REPORTS, v. 51, no. 11, page. 545-546
- Abstract
- With emerging evidence on the importance of non-cell autonomous toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases, therapeutic strategies targeting modulation of key immune cells. including microglia and Treg cells, have been designed for treatment of ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. Strategy switching the patient's environment from a pro-inflammatory toxic to an anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective condition, could be potential therapy for neurodegenerative diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) regulate innate and adaptive immune cells, through release of soluble factors such as TGF-beta and elevation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and T helper-2 cells (Th2 cells), would play important roles, in the neuroprotective effect on motor neuronal cell death mechanisms in ALS. Single cycle of repeated intrathecal injections of BM-MSCs demonstrated a clinical benefit lasting at least 6 months, with safety, in ALS patients. Cytokine profiles of CSF provided evidence that BM-MSCs, have a role in switching from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory conditions. Inverse correlation of TGF-beta 1 and MCP-1 levels, could be a potential biomarker to responsiveness. Thus, additional cycles of BM-MSC treatment are required, to confirm long-term efficacy and safety.
- 1976-6696; 1976-670X
- 10.5483/BMBRep.2018.51.11.255
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