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A Study of Li Yu’s Later Ci from the Perspective of Space Theory
李煜词; 空间理论; 家宅空间; 异托邦; 第三空间; Li Yu's Ci; Space Theory; house space; heterotopia; the third space
Issue Date
중국학보, v. 89, Page. 79-92
李煜被称为“千古词帝”。前人从艺术风格、意象特色、情感抒发等方面对李煜词进行了研究,但还没有学者从空间维度对李煜词进行分析的,而在对李煜词的品读过程中,发现李煜词尤其是其后期词的艺术成就离不开其词中蕴含的空间内涵,词文本中所呈现的空间内涵为其词带来了立体感和层次感,并形成一定的空间张度,在产生张力美的同时丰富了词的意蕴,因此对李煜后期词中空间内涵的研究可以帮助我们更深入把握词的内在意蕴。空间视角下的文学研究改变了文学中的空间长期处于遮蔽和静止的状态,开拓了文学研究的新视野,为文学批评提供了新的方法。因此,从空间理论的角度切入李煜词,阐释其文本内部的空间意蕴,不失为一种有意义的尝试。本文在在空间理论的视角下,从家宅空间、异托邦、第三空间三个方面对李煜后期词中所呈现的文学空间内涵进行了尝试性的解读。 通过分析,我们可以知道李煜后期词中所呈现出的空间不只是一个地理性的场所或者物理性的空间,更是词人情感和内心的重要载体,具有意蕴丰富的空间内涵。首先,在李煜后期词中出现的与故国相关的空间成为词人“抵御敌对力量的空间”和深爱着的空间,是词人灵魂得以安放的家宅空间。这样的家宅空间表达着词人的内心空间,在词人的想象力下家宅空间被诗意地建构,家宅空间也保护着词人作为幸福的存在的内心空间。其次,词人作为亡国之君内心充满了痛苦忧愁,此情不解,便入梦中,通过梦境创造了一个“异托邦”空间,词人在其中将多种因素进行任意组合与拼接,实现了对现实中存在的真实空间的再现和建构,满足了词人对故国的追忆和怀念,同时梦境空间和现实空间形成一种无限的张力,从而使词境更加广阔。最后,李煜后期词中通过无限延展的动态空间、登高而思的空间以及被隔断的空间构筑起了第三空间,这就使得其词能表现全人类某种普遍的思想感情以及某种共同精神空间,使读者可以产生某种共鸣,都能欣赏感悟并被触动。 通过对李煜后期词中所呈现的家宅空间、异托邦和第三空间等空间内涵的解读,我们可以更好地感受并了解到词人词中所蕴含的真切的生命体验,难言的内心情感以及深沉的理性哲思。 Li Yu is known as the Emperor of Ci for thousands of years. The predecessors studied Li Yu's Ci from the aspects of artistic style, image characteristics and emotional expression. However, no scholars have analyzed Li Yu's Ci from the spatial dimension. In the process of reading Li Yu's Ci, it is found that the artistic achievements of Li Yu's Ci, especially his later Ci, can not be separated from the spatial connotation contained in his Ci. The spatial connotation presented in the Ci text brings a sense of three-dimension and layering to his works, and forms a certain spatial tension, which enriches the meaning of Ci while producing the beauty of tension. Therefore, the study of the spatial connotation in Li Yu's later Ci can help us grasp the inner connotation of Ci more deeply. Literary research from the perspective of space has changed the long-neglected state of space in literature, opened up a new horizon of literary research, and provided a new method for literary criticism. Therefore, it is a meaningful attempt to penetrate into Li Yu's Ci from the perspective of space theory and explain the spatial implication of his text. From the perspective of space theory, this paper tries to interpret the connotation of literary space in Li Yu's later Ci poems from three aspects: house space, heterotopia and the third space. Through analysis, we can know that the space presented in Li Yu's later Ci is not only a geographical place or a physical space, it is also an important carrier of the poet's emotion and heart, with rich spatial connotation. First of all, the space related to the ‘old state’ appeared in Li Yu's later ci poetry became the ‘space to resist the hostile forces’ by the poets which was the ‘house space’ for the poet's soul to rest. Such a house space expresses the inner space of the poet. under the imagination of the poet, the house space is poetically constructed, and the house space also protects the inner space of the poet. Secondly, the poet, as the king of the subjugated country, was filled with pain and sorrow. He was puzzled by this feeling and went into a dream, creating a heterotopian space through his dream. Among them, the poet combines and splices various elements arbitrarily, realizes the reappearance and construction of the real space existing in reality, and satisfies the poet's reminiscence and nostalgia for his homeland. At the same time, there is an infinite tension between the dream space and the real space, which makes the Ci-poetry more extensive. Finally, Li Yu's later Ci poems constructed the ‘third space’ which contains the universal feeling of human beings through the infinite extension of dynamic space, the thought of ascending height and the space partition. This enables his Ci to break through the space of the times, nations and classes, to express some universal thoughts and feelings of all mankind and some common spiritual space, so that readers can have a certain resonance, can appreciate and be touched. Through the interpretation of the connotations of home space, heterotopia and third space in Li Yu's later Ci poems, we can better feel and understand the real life experience, unspeakable inner feelings and profound philosophical thinking contained in the Ci poems.
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