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중국 이주 역사가 김택영의 저술활동

중국 이주 역사가 김택영의 저술활동
Other Titles
Writing Activities of Kim Taek-young, a Historian Specializing in Chinese Migration
김택영; 개성; 역사집략; 남통; 한묵림인서국; 한사경; 한국역대소사; Kim Taek-young; Gaeseong; Yeoksajipryak; Nantong; Hanmungrim publishing company; Hansagyeong; History of Korea based on Major and Minor Events
Issue Date
반교어문연구, no. 47, page. 89-120
김택영은 개성출신으로 한말 격동기에 활동한 역사가이자 한시와 한문의 대가였다. 그는 1894년 갑오개혁 이후부터 사관직에 있으면서 편사를 담당하여 역사교과서 『역사집략』을 저술하였다. 그러나 1905년 일본의 침략에 대한 위기의식에서 중국의 남통으로 망명하여 한묵림인서국에서 교정 작업을 하며 저술활동을 하였다. 남통에서 교유한 중국인은 실업가 張謇, 번역가 嚴復, 사상가 梁啓超, 湯震, 문학가 兪樾, 사학자 屠寄, 呂思勉, 예술가 歐陽予倩 등이다.한묵림인서국에서는 조선후기의 박지원, 이건창, 신위, 황현의 시문집을 간행하고 『교정삼국사기』와 『신고려사』를 편찬하여 주체적이고 객관적인 관점에서 잘못된 부분을 바로잡았다. 또한 『한사경』을 저술하여 비판적인 안목에서 조선왕조사를 처음 정리하였으며, 이어서 『한국역대소사』를 저술하여 식민지시기 한국사 통사를 남겼다. 이 서국을 통해 출판된 서적들은 식민통치하 국내의 지식인층에게 비밀리에 제공되었고 중국에도 우리 문화전통의 우수성을 알리는 중요한 자산이 되었다. 김택영은 조선의 문화와 역사를 정리하여 국내와 중국에 유통시킴으로써 ‘문장보국’을 실천한 것이었다.김택영은 역사학자 屠寄와 呂思勉과의 교류를 통해 중국 역사학계에도 알려지게 되었다. 특히 呂思勉은 『白話中國史』를 서술하면서 김택영의 『한국역대소사』를 인용하였다. 이 책은 중국 최초의 백화문으로 기술된 통사로 널리 유통된 대학교재였다. 이러한 교재를 통해 김택영의 『교정삼국사기』, 『한국역대소사』, 『신고려사』가 중국에 소개되었음을 알 수 있다. 그의 이러한 저술활동은 국권회복과 독립을 위한 방편으로 이루어졌다는 점에서 그 사학사적 의의를 평가할 수 있다.Kim Taek-young is a historian and master of Chinese poems and classics from Gaeseong who lived his life during the turbulent late Joseon period. Following the Gabo Reform of 1894, he was in charge of publishing history books as a commissioned officer and wrote a history textbook called "歷史輯略(Yeoksajipryak)" or a book of national history. However, in 1905, he was exiled to Nantong, China in the sense of crisis of the Japanese invasion and continued on his writing activities while engaging in making corrections at Hanmungrim publishing company. The Chinese people who he met and interacted with in Nantong include businessmen Zhang jian(張謇), translators Yan Fu(嚴復), thinker Liang qi-chao(梁啓超), 湯震, writer Yu Yue(兪樾), historian tú jì(屠寄), Lü Simian(呂思勉), and artist Ouyang Yuqian(歐陽予倩).At n Hanmungrim publishing company, he published a collection of poetry and prose by Park Ji-won, Lee Gun-chang, Shin Wi, and Hwang Hyun in the late Joseon Dynasty period and compiled the "校正三國史記(Amended Version of the Chronicles of the Three States)" and "新高麗史(New History of Goryeo)", correcting defects and errors from an independent and objective perspective. In addition, he wrote "韓史綮(Hansagyeong)", which summarized the history of the Joseon Dynasty in a critical perspective for the first time, followed by writing "韓國歷代小史(History of Korea based on Major and Minor Events)", leave the first synoptic history of Korea.Kim Taek-young became known to the Chinese history academia through his interactions with such historians as tú jì(屠寄) and Lü Simian(呂思勉). In particular, Lü Simian(呂思勉) quoted the Kim Taek-young’s ‘History of Korea based on Major and Minor Events’ while writing his book ‘白話中國史’, the history of China written in colloquial Chinese. The book was the first Chinese history book written in colloquial language and was a widely circulated college textbook. The presence of these books indicates that Kim Taek-young’s writings, including "Amended Version of the Chronicles of the Three States", "History of Korea based on Major and Minor Events" and "New History of Goryeo" were introduced to China. Kim Taek-young practiced the philosophy of protecting and promoting the country through writings by organizing distributing the culture and history of Joseon in Korea and China as well. His writings can have their historical significance and implications evaluated on the basis of the fact that his writing activities were conducted as a means of restoring national sovereignty and facilitating independence.
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