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日帝强占期 殉國 絶命詩의 意味와 轉變

日帝强占期 殉國 絶命詩의 意味와 轉變
Other Titles
Meaning and Variableness of Patriotic Death Poems under Japanese colonial rule
日帝强占期; 絶命詩; 殉國; 自決; 抗日; 愛國志士; Death Poems; Patriotic Death; Suicide; Resistance to Japan; Patriots
Issue Date
어문연구(語文硏究), v. 45, no. 1, page. 317-346
1910년 8월 29일 國權을 喪失한 庚戌國恥 이후 全國에서 스스로 목숨을 끊어 나라를 따른다는 의미의 自靖殉國이 줄을 이었다. 이는 나라를 잃은 知識人이 할 수 있는 가장 强力하고 極端的인 抵抗의 方式이었다. 1910년대 말까지 抗日 自靖殉國者는 90여명으로 알려져 있는데, 그들 중 상당수는 죽음에 임해 絶命詩를 남겼다.일제강점기에 유독 절명시에 대한 次韻 현상이 두드러진다. 전대에 지어진 유명한 절명시나 순절한 애국지사의 절명시가 그 대상이었다. 당시 절명시가 널리 읽혔던 것을 확인할 수 있다.많은 애국지사들이 자신의 목숨을 초개처럼 버리면서 죽음의 길로 스스로 걸어 들어갔다. 연구자들 중에도 당시 이렇게 많은 지식인들이 殉國을 선택했던 사실에 대해 모르는 경우가 많다. 시대가 변했고 이들의 목소리 또한 많이 희미해졌지만 남은 우리들은 오랫동안 기억할 필요가 있다.There were numerous patriotic deaths for self-purification for expressing the wills to follow the country’s fate by taking own life all over the country after the national humiliation losing the sovereignty on Aug. 29, 1910. At the time, the intellectuals couldn’t help watching the loss of sovereignty. They might feel tremendous sense of helplessness and loss as the people of ruined country as if they became the sympathizer of the collapse of the country. They couldn’t help making the extreme selection that was patriotic death.Such people wrote the patriotic death poems when they determined the patriotic death or the execution was determined. Even though they faced the death with the sadness which they couldn’t see the liberation of their country, they resolutely selected the death beyond the fear on death and enhanced their resolution on the desperate resistance. Furthermore, it is remarkable that the patriotic death poems borrowed the rhyming words from other poems especially during the late Joseon period. Those poems borrowed the rhyming words from the famous patriotic death poems written in the previous period or those written by patriots dying for the country.When a number of people changed their names into Japanese names for success in their life, those who wrote patriotic death poems changed their pen names or nick names after changing their names into Japanese names. It was a positive resistance to the filthy world. A number of patriots selected death as throwing their life away like a grass.
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