All-order dispersion cancellation and energy-time entangled state
- Title
- All-order dispersion cancellation and energy-time entangled state
- Author
- 오차환
- Issue Date
- 2017-01
- Publisher
- Citation
- OPTICS EXPRESS, v. 25, no. 2, page. 1360-1380
- Abstract
- Dispersion cancellation with an energy-time entangled photon pair in Hong-OuMandel (HOM) interference is one phenomenon that reveals the nonclassical nature of the entangled photon pair. This phenomenon has been observed in materials with very weak dispersions. If the higher-order dispersion coefficient is non-negligible, then the experiment must be modified to realize dispersion cancellation. All-order dispersion cancellation using balanced dispersion was suggested by Steinberg. However, the same phenomenon is expected to occur even if a photon pair is not entangled. This behaviour can be explained by path indistinguishability with identical dispersion. To achieve an all-order dispersion experiment that cannot be explained classically, we modified the experiment and performed another all-order dispersion cancellation experiment that cannot be explained by identical dispersion. This is the first demonstration of nonclassical all-order dispersion cancellation. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
- 1094-4087
- 10.1364/OE.25.001360
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- COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES[S](자연과학대학) > PHYSICS(물리학과) > Articles
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