델파이와 계층화(AHP)를 이용한 외국인 선수 국가대표선발 기준 우선순위 결정
- Title
- 델파이와 계층화(AHP)를 이용한 외국인 선수 국가대표선발 기준 우선순위 결정
- Other Titles
- Determining the Order of Priority of Selection Criteria about Naturalized Foreign Athletes as National Players with Delphi and AHP Methods
- Author
- 조성식
- Keywords
- Delphi; Analytic Hierachy Process; Naturalized Foreign Athlete
- Issue Date
- 2019-02
- Publisher
- 한국체육과학회
- Citation
- 한국체육과학회지, 제 28권 , 제1호, Page. 53-65
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the selection criteria and the priorities of naturalized national players by Delphi survey and the AHP survey of experts working in the sports field. For the purpose, Expert Delphi survey and AHP survey were conducted for three rounds of five sports industry and physical education professors, five sports reporters, five professional sports industry practitioners and eight professional sports related organization workers. The results of Delphi survey showed that major factors are achievement, attitude, event, and innate ones. The results of stratification analyses of sub-factors performed using AHP technique showed that the priorities were the player's Korean speaking ability and the player's satisfaction with the domestic naturalization method in the achievement factor and the favorable attitude toward Korean culture and the past behavior in the attitude factor. And the supplementation of international competitiveness and winning the Olympic medals in event factor and parents' or grandparents' Korean nationality and home country of player in innate factor were also shown to be priority sub-factors.
- http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE07619481&language=ko_KRhttps://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/103432
- 1226-0258
- 10.35159/kjss.2019.
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