플립드 러닝을 적용한‘임신, 분만 및 산욕간호’ 수업경험: 혼합연구
- Title
- 플립드 러닝을 적용한‘임신, 분만 및 산욕간호’ 수업경험: 혼합연구
- Other Titles
- Class Experience of the Students on 『Pregnancy, Delivery and Puerperium』 Nursing Course through Flipped Learning: Mixed Method Research
- Author
- 황선영
- Keywords
- 플립드 러닝; 간호학생; 학습동기; 학습만족도; Flipped learning; Nursing students; Motivation; Satisfaction
- Issue Date
- 2016-12
- Publisher
- 여성건강간호학회
- Citation
- 여성건강간호학회지, v. 22, NO. 4, Page. 221-232
- Abstract
- Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of a flipped learning course in Women's Health Nursing for nursing students. Methods: A total of 200 senior nursing students participated in flipped learning class of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum area, which included team-based learning and self-reflection for 8 weeks.
One group pre-post test design was adopted and the changes in learning motivation and satisfaction were examined.
In addition, reflective journals of the students were analyzed by making a qualitative content analysis. Results: Students showed a significant increase in score of learning motivation in the posttest (t=-4.47, p˂.001). They had a mean of 3.90 in learning satisfaction out of possible five points. As a result of content analysis, three themes were selected: ‘Improved attitude toward active learning’, ‘Burden caused by excessive workload’, and ‘Valuing to the team-based activity’ To be specific, six sub-themes were selected, with three positive and three negative categories: ‘improved class attention and understanding’, ‘positive class participation by preparing lessons in advance’, ‘peer interactions through discussion’, ‘A lot of time and effort consuming’, ‘stress caused by the burden of preparing lessons’, and ‘difficulties in cooperative activities’. Conclusion: This study supports and confirms that the flipped learning can be a creative instructional model of positive teaching-learning strategy in clinical nursing courses to enhance students' learning motivation.
- https://synapse.koreamed.org/DOIx.php?id=10.4069/kjwhn.2016.22.4.221https://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/101593
- 2287-1640; 2093-7695
- 10.4069/kjwhn.2016.22.4.221
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