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Showing results 30758 to 30777 of 124869

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-12G alpha(12) ablation exacerbates liver steatosis and obesity by suppressing USP22/SIRT1-regulated mitochondrial respiration이창호
2015-05G alpha(12) gep oncogene deregulation of p53-responsive microRNAs promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition of hepatocellular carcinoma이창호
2018-01G alpha(12) overexpression induced by miR-16 dysregulation contributes to liver fibrosis by promoting autophagy in hepatic stellate cells황세진
2024-06-19G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Anti-Inflammatory and Mucosal Healing Activity of a Trimethylpyridinol Analogue in Inflammatory Bowel Disease남태규
2024-06-19G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Anti-Inflammatory and Mucosal Healing Activity of a Trimethylpyridinol Analogue in Inflammatory Bowel Disease류종석
2013-06G Proteins, p60TRP, and Neurodegenerative DiseasesKlaus Heese
2019-04G TOUR Pro의 성패귀인에 관한 분석박범영
2018-02G TOUR Pro의 성패귀인에 관한 분석최다희
2014-07Gα12 gep oncogene deregulation of p53-responsive microRNAs promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition of hepatocellular carcinoma.황세진
2020-10G(m)- and Swing-Enhanced Colpitts VCO by Optimization of Capacitance Ratio윤태열
2017-07A G-band frequency doubler using a commercial 150 nm GaAs pHEMT technology김정현
2013-10G-CSF Prevents Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Rat김경수
2013-10G-CSF Prevents Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Rat김혁
2013-10G-CSF Prevents Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in rat신정훈
2013-10G-CSF prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in rat이용구
2013-10G-CSF Prevents Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Rat송이선
2010-02G-EWMAG 관리도의 최적 관리한계선 설계송민
2018-10G-parameter를 이용한 직류 마이크로그리드의 컨버터상호 안정도 분석 및 가상 임피던스를 이용한 안정도 향상김래영
2024G-PCC performance and complexity evaluation based on LiDAR captured point cloud곡월명
2018-04G-SEED 내의 건축물 전과정평가 지원을 위한 주요건축자재 기반 환경영향 분석태성호