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Showing results 1683 to 1702 of 124869

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-02A 0.018% THD+N, 88-dB PSRR PWM Class-D Amplifier for Direct Battery Hookup노정진
2014-11A 0.03 mm(2) delta-sigma modulator with cascaded-inverter amplifier노정진
2013-05A 0.6-V 540-nW delta-sigma modulator for biomedical sensors노정진
2009-11A 0.6-V Delta-Sigma Modulator With Subthreshold-Leakage Suppression Switches노정진
2010-04A 0.8-V 816-nW delta-sigma modulator for low-power biomedical applications노정진
2022-03A 0.9-mu A Quiescent Current High PSRR Low Dropout Regulator Using a Capacitive Feed-Forward Ripple Cancellation Technique노정진
2015-03A 1.2-V 4.2-ppm/degrees C High-Order Curvature-Compensated CMOS Bandgap Reference노정진
2019-10A 103 dB DR Fourth-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator for Sensor Applications노정진
2023-09A 13.5-nA Quiescent Current LDO With Adaptive Ultra-Low-Power Mode for Low-Power IoT Applications노정진
2022-11A 2.16-mu W Low-Power Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator With Improved-Linearity G(m) for Wearable ECG Application노정진
2019-08A 20-MHz bandwidth, 75-dB dynamic range, continuous-time delta-sigma modulator with reduced nonidealities노정진
2009-10A 290-μW 25-kHz continuous-time delta-sigma modulator for acoustic sensor networks노정진
2016-02A 3kW Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicles청푸양
2009-08A 4-DOF flexible continuum robot using a spring backbone이병주
2011-02A 400-mA current-mode buck converter with a self-trimming current sensing scheme노정진
2020-04A 5-MHz bandwidth 78.1-dB SNDR 2-2 MASH delta-sigma modulator노정진
2009-08A 5.8 GHz Low-Phase-Noise LC-QVCO Using Splitting Switched Biasing Technique and a Fast Hopping Frequency Synthesizer for Ultra-Wideband Systems김기원
2012-10A 50-MHz Fully Integrated Low-Swing Buck Converter Using Packaging Inductors노정진
2017-06A 6-18 GHz GaN distributed power amplifier using reactive matching technique and simplified bias network김정현
2022A 6-bit 1-GS/s SAR ADC with a Split Capacitor Partial Monotonic Switching Method표창현