2022-06 | 1-D PE 어레이로 컨볼루션 연산을 수행하는 저전력 DCNN 가속기 | 한상욱 |
2019-09 | 2D Drawing Visualization Framework for Applying Projection-Based Augmented Reality in a Panelized Construction Manufacturing Facility: Proof of Concept | 한상욱 |
2015-08 | An Automated Biomechanical Simulation Approach to Ergonomic Job Analysis for Workplace Design | 한상욱 |
2020-07 | BIM-Based Registration and Localization of 3D Point Clouds of Indoor Scenes Using Geometric Features for Augmented Reality | 한상욱 |
2020-08 | BIM-Based Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) for Architectural Design Collaboration: A Proof of Concept | 한상욱 |
2018-09 | Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Assessing Safety Performance Using Safety-Related Measures | 한상욱 |
2011-12 | A Civilian Reporting Service to Guide Converging Resources for Search and Rescue in Disaster Response | 한상욱 |
2014-09 | Comparative Study of Motion Features for Similarity-Based Modeling and Classification of Unsafe Actions in Construction | 한상욱 |
2015-04 | Computer Vision Techniques for Construction Safety and Health monitoring | 한상욱 |
2021-10 | Convolutional neural network modeling strategy for fall-related motion recognition using acceleration features of a scaffolding structure | 한상욱 |
2021-12 | Current status and future directions of deep learning applications for safety management in construction | 한상욱 |
2020-03 | Digital elevation model-based convolutional neural network modeling for searching of high solar energy regions | 한상욱 |
2019-05 | Digital numerical map-oriented estimation of solar energy potential for site selection of photovoltaic solar panels on national highway slopes | 한상욱 |
2013-12 | Empirical Assessment of an RGB-D Sensor on Motion Capture and Action Recognition for Construction Worker Monitoring | 한상욱 |
2017-02 | Empirical Testing for Use of Safety Related Measures at the Organizational Level to Assess and Control the On-Site Risk Level | 한상욱 |
2022-04 | Evaluation of Construction Workers' Emotional States during Virtual Reality-Based Safety Training | 한상욱 |
2020-03 | Finding Causal Paths between Safety Management System Factors and Accident Precursors | 한상욱 |
2016-01 | A fuzzy logic approach to posture-based ergonomic analysis for field observation and assessment of construction manual operations | 한상욱 |
2013-08 | GPU를 이용한 소프트웨어 기반의 LTE Uplink 시스템의 구현 | 한상욱 |
2018-01 | Identification and Association of High-Priority Safety Management System Factors and Accident Precursors for Proactive Safety Assessment and Control | 한상욱 |