2021-12 | Adversarial Learning of Balanced Triangles for Accurate Community Detection on Signed Networks | 한경식 |
2022-05 | APOTS: A Model for Adversarial Prediction of Traffic Speed | 한경식 |
2019-07 | Automated Time Manager: Effectiveness of Self-Regulation on Time Management Through a Smartphone Application | 한경식 |
2020-03 | Better targeting of consumers: Modeling multifactorial gender and biological sex from Instagram posts | 한경식 |
2020-03 | The Effect of Color Scales on Climate Scientists' Objective and Subjective Performance in Spatial Data Analysis Tasks | 한경식 |
2022-04 | I Have No Text in My Post: Using Visual Hints to Model User Emotions in Social Media | 한경식 |
2019-02 | Intelligent positive computing with mobile, wearable, and IoT devices: Literature review and research directions | 한경식 |
2021-11 | The More, the Better? Improving VR Firefighting Training System with Realistic Firefighter Tools as Controllers | 한경식 |
2022-04 | Prediction for Retrospection: Integrating Algorithmic Stress Prediction into Personal Informatics Systems for College Students' Mental Health | 한경식 |
2020-09 | PuzzleWalk: A theory-driven iterative design inquiry of a mobile game for promoting physical activity in adults with autism spectrum disorder | 한경식 |
2020-08 | Smombie Forecaster: Alerting Smartphone Users About Potential Hazards in Their Surroundings | 한경식 |
2021-12 | A systematic review on fake news research through the lens of news creation and consumption: Research efforts, challenges, and future directions | 한경식 |
2019-06 | Understanding smartphone usage in college classrooms: A long-term measurement study | 한경식 |
2020-09 | Usability inquiry of a gamified behavior change app for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder | 한경식 |
2020-10 | 가상 소방 훈련에서 컨트롤러 양식에 따른 사용자 요인 조사 | 한경식 |
2022-06 | 자폐증이 있는 개인의 데일리 루틴 지원을 위한 모바일 게임 디자인 연구 | 한경식 |
2021-02 | 팩트체크 뉴스에 대한 이용자 반응 분석: 언어적 특성, 인지·정서적 반응 및 논쟁 댓글의 출현 양상을 중심으로 | 한경식 |