2011-01 | A Prediction of the Anticorrosion Life in a Steel Applying Zn-Al Thermal Metal Spraying Method Using an Electrochemical Experiment | 태성호 |
2011-11 | A study on improvement of durability of reinforced concrete structures mixed with Natural Inorganic Minerals | 태성호 |
2018-05 | Analysis of Embodied Environmental Impacts of Korean Apartment Buildings Considering Major Building Materials | 태성호 |
2016-04 | Analysis of Environmental Impact for Concrete Using LCA by Varying the Recycling Components, the Compressive Strength and the Admixture Material Mixing | 태성호 |
2018-04 | Analysis of Heating and Cooling Loads of Electrochromic Glazing in High-Rise Residential Buildings in South Korea | 태성호 |
2015-03 | Analysis of Lifecycle CO2 Reduction Performance for Long-Life Apartment House | 태성호 |
2018-09 | Analysis of the environmental impact emissions for the office building based on analysis of major building materials of life cycle assessment of G-SEED | 태성호 |
2018-08 | Analysis of the Primary Building Materials in Support of G-SEED Life Cycle Assessment in South Korea | 태성호 |
2018-10 | Analysis of Worker Category Social Impacts in Different Types of Concrete Plant Operations: A Case Study in South Korea | 태성호 |
2008-12 | Analysis on IBEM for consideration on reinforced concrete slab resistance | 태성호 |
2013-09 | Assessment of the CO2 emission and cost reduction performance of a low-carbon-emission concrete mix design using an optimal mix design system | 태성호 |
2017-01 | BIM 기반의 건축물 내재 환경영향 평가에 관한 연구 - 환경영향 매개변수를 고려한 BIM 라이브러리 구축을 중심으로 | 태성호 |
2017-01 | BIM 기반의 건축물 내재 환경영향 평가에 관한 연구 - 환경영향 매개변수를 고려한 BIM 라이브러리 구축을 중심으로 - | 태성호 |
2011-10 | BIM을 활용한 건축물 전 생애 CO₂ 평가방법에 관한 연구 | 태성호 |
2016-06 | Building Simplified Life Cycle CO2 Emissions Assessment Tool (B-SCAT) to Support Low-Carbon Building Design in South Korea | 태성호 |
2020-11 | Calculation Methods of Emission Factors and Emissions of Fugitive Particulate Matter in South Korean Construction Sites | 태성호 |
2019-06 | Calculation of particulate matter formation of major building material in construction phase through life cycle impact assessment | 태성호 |
2014-04 | Carbonation and CO2 uptake of concrete | 태성호 |
2019-09 | Comparison of green building standards in the United States and China | 태성호 |
2005-06 | Corrosion Behavior of Cr-bearing Corrosion Resistant Rebar in Concrete with Chloride Ion Content | 태성호 |