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Showing results 1 to 20 of 126

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002-0317beta-Estradiol inhibits high-voltage-activated calcium channel currents in rat sensory neurons via a non-genomic mechanism채영규
2003-10Applicability of laser-induced Raman microscopy for in situ monitoring of imine formation in a glass microfluidic chip채영규
2012-12Artificial microRNA-based aldehyde dehydrogenase gene silencing in mice채영규
2013-07The Association of DRD2-141C and ANKK1 TaqIA Polymorphisms with Alcohol Dependence in Korean Population Classified by the Lesch Typology채영규
2008-04Bacillus anthracis spores influence ATP synthase activity in murine macrophages채영규
2019-10Basal-type lumenogenesis in extraembryonic endoderm stem cells models the early visceral endoderm채영규
2014-04CDK2-dependent phosphorylation of Suv39H1 is involved in control of heterochromatin replication during cell cycle progression채영규
2016-08Changes in Bacillus anthracis CodY regulation under host-specific environmental factor deprived conditions채영규
2011-01Changes in the expression of transthyretin and protein kinase C gamma genes in the prefrontal cortex in response to naltrexone채영규
2012-01The characterization of gene expression during mouse neural stem cell differentiation in vitro채영규
2014-01Chronic ethanol exposure increases goosecoid (GSC) expression in human embryonic carcinoma cell differentiation채영규
2012-04Comparative analysis of virulence factors secreted by Bacillus anthracis Sterne at host body temperature채영규
2014-08Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus anthracis HYU01, Isolated from Soil Samples in the Korean Peninsula.채영규
2017-02Deletion of a putative NlpC/P60 endopeptidase BAS1812 affects germination, long-term survival and endospore formation in Bacillus anthracis채영규
2003-03Discrimination of Bacillus anthracis from Bacillus cereus Group Using KHT5 Marker채영규
2002-06DNA implementation of theorem proving with resolution refutation in propositional logic채영규
2002-10DNA 분자를 이용한 Version Space 학습채영규
2014-04DRD3 Gene rs6280 Polymorphism May Be Associated with Alcohol Dependence Overall and with Lesch Type I Alcohol Dependence in Koreans채영규
2015-03Dual RNA Sequencing Reveals the Expression of Unique Transcriptomic Signatures in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced BV-2 Microglial Cells채영규