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Showing results 1 to 20 of 92

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-051P1-D14 Riding Entertainment of a horse and healthcare service of a human using by riding robot system임준홍
2004-03Adaptive model referece control based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models with applications to flexible joint manipulators임준홍
2005-10Bluetooth Module을 이용한 실시간 영상감시 시스템임준홍
2000-08CAN 시스템을 위한 트래픽 분석/생성 시스템 설계및 구현임준홍
2015-01Commutation point estimation for sensorless brushless DC motor using back-electromagnetic force change rate by least-square method임준홍
2003-07Control and monitoring of mobile robot system using bluetooth임준홍
2004-08Control of mobile robot systems with wireless transmission of image information임준홍
2003-06Design and implementation of force-feedback system via ethernet임준홍
2003-12Design and implementation of tele-operation system based on the haptic interface임준홍
2004-08Design of a bluetooth-based interactive control network임준홍
2015-04Design of an airbag system of a mid-sized automobile for pedestrian protection임준홍
2005-06Development of ethernet based tele-operation systems using haptic devices임준홍
2002-04Device Net 을 이용한 BLDC모터형 Fan Unit의 원격제어연구임준홍
2001-10DSP를 이용한 태양전지용 DC-DC 컨버터의 피이드백 제어임준홍
2017-04Fuzzy 논리를 이용한 로봇 관절용 BLDC 전동기의 자기동조 PID 제어기 설계임준홍
2018-11Hemispherical 3D Around View Monitoring Algorithm Using Image Synthesis of Multi-Channel Cameras임준홍
2001-05High-speed indoor navigation of mobile robots using hybrid dynamic control approach임준홍
2001-07High-speed wall following and obstacle avoidance of wheeled mobile robots using hybrid behavior specifications임준홍
2019-11HSV를 이용한 허프 변환 차선 인식 알고리즘 연구임준홍
2004-08Internet based network control using fuzzy modeling임준홍