2014-02 | 4-array 안테나를 사용하는 Beamforming 기법을 적용한 LTE 기지국 시스템 구현 | 이형섭 |
2018-04 | Ambiguous Reverberations of Realism in Yeats | 이형섭 |
2015-08 | Back in the Platonic Shadow: The Anti-Poetics of Memory Play | 이형섭 |
2013-12 | A Brechtian Scene in Modern Irish Drama: Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa | 이형섭 |
2015-06 | Ethical Contours of the (Sub)urban Space-Time Relationship in the Early Postwar American Drama | 이형섭 |
2014-12 | Friel and the Reinscription of Yeats in the Irish Dramatic Tradition | 이형섭 |
2013-09 | In-SULA-rity as Authorial Censorship: Character and Form in Toni Morrison’s Sula | 이형섭 |
2020-12 | The “North” in Yeats’s Cultural Imagination | 이형섭 |
2015-04 | “Sweet Auburn” as Heterotopia: Nostalgia and Protest in Oliver Goldsmith’s The Deserted Village Reconsidered | 이형섭 |
2011-06 | “To every life an after-life. To every demon a fairy tale”: The Life and Times of an Irish Policeman in the British Empire in Sebastian Barry’s The Steward of Christendom | 이형섭 |
2018-04 | Love in the Time of the Troubles: The Cultural Politics of Tragic Form in Northern Irish Cinema | 이형섭 |
2011-06 | Playing a “Sensitive” to Pynchon’s Demon Called The Crying of Lot 49 | 이형섭 |
2020-12 | Reading The Turin Horse with Beckett | 이형섭 |
2017-04 | Richard Wagner and Yeats’s Vision of Poetic Drama | 이형섭 |
2012-08 | Samuel Beckett between “Europe” and “Ireland” | 이형섭 |
2011-06 | Toward a “Hybrid” Study of Literature and Film: The Frankenstein Case | 이형섭 |
2017-08 | Who’s Afraid of Sylvia?: Edward Albee and the Tragification of American Suburbia | 이형섭 |
2012-04 | The Yeatsian Presence in Friel’s Drama | 이형섭 |
2011-03 | 미카엘 하네케의 〈히든〉: 포스트모던 인식론과 포스트콜로니얼 서사의 불편한 조우 | 이형섭 |