2021-11 | Artificial intelligence model comparison for risk factor analysis of patent ductus arteriosus in nationwide very low birth weight infants cohort | 이주현 |
2023 | Assessment of radiological impact on the surrounding environmental and biota in NORM-relate facility through analysis of uranium-238 and thorium-232 decay series | 이주현 |
2021 | Atomic Layer Deposited Cobalt-based Metal Gate Electrode for pMOS Device | 이주현 |
2021-06 | Automatic Classification of the Korean Triage Acuity Scale in Simulated Emergency Rooms Using Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing: a Proof of Concept Study | 이주현 |
2019-06 | Beyond Max-weight Scheduling: A Reinforcement Learning-based Approach | 이주현 |
2022-06 | Buffer-Aware Scheduling and Power Allocation for CoMP Transmission With Large-Scale Antennas | 이주현 |
2017-01 | CarrierMix: How Much Can User-side Carrier Mixing Help? | 이주현 |
2017-03 | CAS: Context-Aware Background Application Scheduling in Interactive Mobile Systems | 이주현 |
2023-12 | Deep learning-based natural language processing for detecting medical symptoms and histories in emergency patient triage | 이주현 |
2019-12 | Delay-Optimal and Energy-Efficient Communications with Markovian Arrivals | 이주현 |
2017-04 | Delay-Optimal Buffer-Aware Scheduling With Adaptive Transmission | 이주현 |
2023-06-23 | Enabling technologies for AI empowered 6G massive radio access networks | 이주현 |
2022-07-15 | A faster FPTAS for knapsack problem with cardinality constraint | 이주현 |
2018-06 | Finding minimum node separators: A Markov chain Monte Carlo method | 이주현 |
2019-09 | An Inter-data Encoding Technique that Exploits Synchronized Data for Network Applications | 이주현 |
2021-07 | Joint Queue-Aware and Channel-Aware Scheduling for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access | 이주현 |
2021-01 | Learning to Schedule Network Resources Throughput and Delay Optimally Using Q+-Learning | 이주현 |
2021-12 | LSTM-based Throughput Prediction for LTE Networks | 이주현 |
2023-01-11 | Lyapunov Drift-Based Scheduling for Short-Packet Transmission with Finite Blocklength Coding | 이주현 |
2021-08 | Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Throughput Prediction | 이주현 |