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Showing results 1 to 20 of 53

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-11Artificial intelligence model comparison for risk factor analysis of patent ductus arteriosus in nationwide very low birth weight infants cohort이주현
2023Assessment of radiological impact on the surrounding environmental and biota in NORM-relate facility through analysis of uranium-238 and thorium-232 decay series이주현
2021Atomic Layer Deposited Cobalt-based Metal Gate Electrode for pMOS Device이주현
2021-06Automatic Classification of the Korean Triage Acuity Scale in Simulated Emergency Rooms Using Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing: a Proof of Concept Study이주현
2019-06Beyond Max-weight Scheduling: A Reinforcement Learning-based Approach이주현
2022-06Buffer-Aware Scheduling and Power Allocation for CoMP Transmission With Large-Scale Antennas이주현
2017-01CarrierMix: How Much Can User-side Carrier Mixing Help?이주현
2017-03CAS: Context-Aware Background Application Scheduling in Interactive Mobile Systems이주현
2023-12Deep learning-based natural language processing for detecting medical symptoms and histories in emergency patient triage이주현
2019-12Delay-Optimal and Energy-Efficient Communications with Markovian Arrivals이주현
2017-04Delay-Optimal Buffer-Aware Scheduling With Adaptive Transmission이주현
2023-06-23Enabling technologies for AI empowered 6G massive radio access networks이주현
2022-07-15A faster FPTAS for knapsack problem with cardinality constraint이주현
2018-06Finding minimum node separators: A Markov chain Monte Carlo method이주현
2019-09An Inter-data Encoding Technique that Exploits Synchronized Data for Network Applications이주현
2021-07Joint Queue-Aware and Channel-Aware Scheduling for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access이주현
2021-01Learning to Schedule Network Resources Throughput and Delay Optimally Using Q+-Learning이주현
2021-12LSTM-based Throughput Prediction for LTE Networks이주현
2023-01-11Lyapunov Drift-Based Scheduling for Short-Packet Transmission with Finite Blocklength Coding이주현
2021-08Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Throughput Prediction이주현