2017-06 | Access to Anti-osteoporosis Medication after Hip Fracture in Korean Elderly Patients | 이주연 |
2016-12 | Antiepileptic drug adherence and persistence in children with epilepsy attending a large tertiary care children's hospital | 이주연 |
2015-07 | Awareness of the adverse effects associated with prophylactic corticosteroid use during docetaxel therapy | 이주연 |
2016-02 | Clinical and economic evaluation of pharmacists' contribution to patient care on a multi-disciplinary liver transplant team | 이주연 |
2016-09 | Clinical and economic impact of pharmacists' intervention in a large volume chemotherapy preparation unit | 이주연 |
2016-10 | Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in neurosurgical and non-neurosurgical patients | 이주연 |
2020-09 | Diagnosis and management of three optic neuropathies: a national survey | 이주연 |
2019-03 | Diagnostic value of ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer for early detection of ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy | 이주연 |
2016-08 | Evaluation of an intravenous preparation information system for improving the reconstitution and dilution process | 이주연 |
2017-02 | Evaluation of the effects and adverse drug reactions of low-dose dexamethasone premedication with weekly docetaxel | 이주연 |
2017-06 | Health Behaviors and Medication Adherence in Elderly Patients | 이주연 |
2016-10 | Implication of different initial beta blockers on treatment persistence: atenolol vs new-generation beta blocker, a population-based study | 이주연 |
2017-05 | Incidence of taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy receiving treatment and prescription patterns in patients with breast cancer | 이주연 |
2016-05 | Influence of initial angiotensin receptor blockers on treatment persistence in uncomplicated hypertension: A nation-wide population-based study | 이주연 |
2021-02 | Korean court cases regarding research and publication ethics from 2009 to 2020 | 이주연 |
2020-10 | Nationwide population-based incidence and etiologies of pediatric and adult Horner syndrome | 이주연 |
2020-06 | Optical coherence tomography angiography as a potential screening tool for cerebral small vessel diseases | 이주연 |
2015-07 | Patient factors affecting frequent potential unnecessary injection use in outpatient care setting | 이주연 |
2015-07 | Patterns of Adverse Drug Reactions in Different Age Groups: Analysis of Spontaneous Reports by Community Pharmacists | 이주연 |
2015-12 | Persistence with Antihypertensive Medications in Uncomplicated Treatment-Naive Patients: Effects of Initial Therapeutic Classes | 이주연 |