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Showing results 1 to 20 of 156

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-02200kV 50nsec급 동축형 Marx 고전압펄스 발생장치의 동작특성이상욱
2018-062D transition metal dichalcogenides with glucan multivalency for antibody-free pathogen recognition이상욱
2018-062D transition metal dichalcogenides with glucan multivalency for antibody-free pathogen recognition이상욱
2018-03Adjustable Intermolecular Interactions Allowing 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Prolonged Scavenging Activity for Reactive Oxygen Species이상욱
2018-04Adjustable Intermolecular Interactions Allowing 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Prolonged Scavenging Activity for Reactive Oxygen Species이상욱
2013-10American Beef and Nuclear Power Plants: Risk Management of Complex Technological Systems and the Precautionary Principle이상욱
2021-04Ampere-hour-scale zinc–air pouch cells이상욱
2021-06Ampere-hour-scale zinc-air pouch cells이상욱
2016-02Aromatic cages B 0/+ 42: Unprecedented existence of octagonal holes in boron clusters이상욱
2016-02Aromatic cages B-42(0/+): unprecedented existence of octagonal holes in boron clusters (vol 18, pg 11620, 2016)이상욱
2016-04Aromatic cages B-42(0/+): unprecedented existence of octagonal holes in boron clusters (vol 18, pg 11620, 2016)이상욱
2018-07Assessment of the mechanical properties of monolayer graphene using the energy and strain-fluctuation methods이상욱
2018-07Assessment of the mechanical properties of monolayer graphene using the energy and strain-fluctuation methods이상욱
2018-10Atomistic Dynamics Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties and Li Diffusion Kinetics in psi-Graphene for LIB Anode Material이상욱
2018-10Atomistic Dynamics Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties and Li Diffusion Kinetics in psi-Graphene for LIB Anode Material이상욱
2019-01Atomistic insights into the anisotropic mechanical properties and role of ripples on the thermal expansion of h-BCN monolayers이상욱
2019-01Atomistic insights into the anisotropic mechanical properties and role of ripples on the thermal expansion of h-BCN monolayers이상욱
2019-05B3S monolayer: prediction of a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries이상욱
2019-05B3S monolayer: prediction of a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries이상욱
2015-11Behavior of maltose-neopentyl glycol-3 (MNG-3) at the air/aqueous interface이상욱