2022-10 | 3차원 자세 추정을 위한 딥러닝 기반이상치 검출 및 보정 기법 | 이동호 |
2014-01 | A B-tree employing a cascade memory node on NAND flash SSDs | 이동호 |
2015-01 | A case study on collection network design, capacity planning and vehicle routing in reverse logistics | 이동호 |
2007-07 | A log buffer-based flash translation layer using fully-associative sector translation | 이동호 |
2020-02 | A Novel B-Tree Index with Cascade Memory Nodes for Improving Sequential Write Performance on Flash Storage Devices | 이동호 |
2015-07 | A novel semantic tagging technique exploiting wikipedia-based associated words | 이동호 |
2013-06 | A priority scheduling approach for flexible job shops with multiple process plans | 이동호 |
2015-07 | A read-optimized index structure for distributed log-structured key-value store | 이동호 |
2013-12 | A restricted dynamic model for refuse collection network design in reverse logistics | 이동호 |
2018-04 | A sample average approximation algorithm for selective disassembly sequencing with abnormal disassembly operations and random operation times | 이동호 |
2015-07 | A semantic category recommendation system exploiting LDA clustering algorithm and social folksonomy | 이동호 |
2015-07 | A semantic-based health advising system exploiting web-based personal health record services | 이동호 |
2009-05 | A survey of Flash Translation Layer | 이동호 |
2013-12 | A tabu search algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with sequence- and machine-dependent setups: minimizing total tardiness | 이동호 |
2011-11 | A two-stage heuristic for single machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling with sequence-dependent setup costs | 이동호 |
2014-01 | A user trust model based social multimedia tagging system | 이동호 |
2017-12 | An adaptive dynamically weighted median filter for impulse noise removal | 이동호 |
2008-02 | AFTL: Hot Data 검출기를 이용한 적응형 플래시 전환 계층 | 이동호 |
2005-10 | An efficient incremental nearest neighbor algorithm for processing k-nearest neighbor queries with visal and semantic predicates in multimedia information retrieval system | 이동호 |
2010-09 | An efficient index buffer management scheme for implementing a B-tree on NAND flash memory | 이동호 |