2020-10 | All-solid-state spatial light modulator with independent phase and amplitude control for three-dimensional LiDAR applications | 송석호 |
2012-04 | Analytic Theory of the Resonance Properties of Metallic Nanoslit Arrays | 송석호 |
2019-01 | CMOS-compatible Si metasurface at visible wavelengths prepared by low-temperature green laser annealing | 송석호 |
2015-12 | Critical field enhancement of asymptotic optical bound states in the continuum | 송석호 |
2015-05 | A deep subwavelength cavity formed by total external reflection of surface plasmon polariton | 송석호 |
2020-08 | Direct observation of time-asymmetric breakdown of the standard adiabaticity around an exceptional point | 송석호 |
2017-10 | Electrically tunable binary phase Fresnel lens based on a dielectric elastomer actuator | 송석호 |
2014-09 | Experimental observation of a practical limit on enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate in blue GaN-LEDs by mediating surface plasmons | 송석호 |
2014-08 | Experimental observation of electroluminescence enhancement on green LEDs mediated by surface plasmons | 송석호 |
2017-01 | Extremely broadband, on-chip optical nonreciprocity enabled by mimicking nonlinear anti-adiabatic quantum jumps near exceptional points | 송석호 |
2011-08 | Fabrication of Large Plasmonic Arrays of Gold Nanocups Using Inverse Periodic Templates | 송석호 |
2014-03 | FDTD simulation of transmittance characteristics of one-dimensional conducting electrodes | 송석호 |
2015-05 | Gain-assisted critical coupling for high-performance coherent perfect absorbers | 송석호 |
2011-07 | Mapping Surface-Plasmon Polaritons and Cavity Modes in Extraordinary Optical Transmission | 송석호 |
2011-06 | Mapping Surface-Plasmon Polaritons and Cavity Modes in Extraordinary Optical Transmission | 송석호 |
2012-12 | Measurement and Modeling of a Complete Optical Absorption and Scattering by Coherent Surface Plasmon-Polariton Excitation Using a Silver Thin-Film Grating | 송석호 |
2020-10 | Metasurface-driven OLED displays beyond 10,000 pixels per inch | 송석호 |
2017-04 | Multiple p-n junction subwavelength gratings for transmission-mode electro-optic modulators | 송석호 |
2019-02 | Nanofabrication of plasmonic structures on insulating substrates by resist-on-metal bilayer lift-off | 송석호 |
2018-01 | Nanophotonic identification of defects buried in three-dimensional NAND flash memory devices | 송석호 |