2001-06 | Application of the Main Algorithm of Pavement Management System For the Korea Expressway System | 서영찬 |
2020-01 | Comparison of CRCP and JCP based on a 30-year performance history | 서영찬 |
2018-04 | Correlation Analysis between Pavement Condition Indices in Korean Roads | 서영찬 |
2008-08 | Development of a remaining fatigue life model for asphalt black base through accelerated pavement testing | 서영찬 |
2002-08 | Development of Deterioration Prediction Models for Airfield Rigid Pavements | 서영찬 |
2021-12 | development of distress progress model for determining the appropriate time for overlaying durability cracks in concrete pavement | 서영찬 |
2022-08 | Development of Korea Airport Pavement Condition Index for Panel Rating | 서영찬 |
2019-03 | Development of Remodeling Index Model to Predict Priority of Large-Scale Repair Works of Deteriorated Expressway Concrete Pavements in Korea | 서영찬 |
2019-12 | Development of Sidewalk Block Pavement Condition Index (SBPCI) using Analytical Hierarchy Process | 서영찬 |
2006-08 | Effect of Slab Curling on Movement and Load Transfer Capacity of Saw-Cut Joints | 서영찬 |
2001-10 | Effect of trans-polyoctylene rubber(TOR) on the properties of asphalt/GTR mixture | 서영찬 |
2002-12 | Evaluation of Subbase Friction for Typical Korean Concrete Pavement | 서영찬 |
2002-09 | Evelopment of a Practical Mechanistic-Empirical design Procedure for Flexible Pavements | 서영찬 |
2001-10 | Full Scale 포장가속시험기 개발 연구 | 서영찬 |
2000-10 | FWD 최적 조사간격 결정연구 | 서영찬 |
2008-09 | HPMS 데이터를 이용한 고속도로 교량 및 뒷채움구간 평탄성 특성 연구 | 서영찬 |
2017-04 | Investigation of Exterior Noise Generated by Vehicles Traveling over Transverse Rumble Strips | 서영찬 |
2007-10 | MDD를 통한 아스팔트 포장의 탄,소성 거동 분석 연구 | 서영찬 |
2003-09 | Micro PAVER의 국내 적용을 위한 적정화에 대한 연구 | 서영찬 |
2022-09 | Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures with 100% EAF and BOF Steel Slag Aggregates Using Laboratory Tests and Mechanistic Analyses | 서영찬 |