2023-12-02 | Accident Analysis for Port Terminals using Heterogeneous XAI-informed Machine Learning Approach | 박준영 |
2021-10 | An Algorithm for Detecting Collision Risk between Trucks and Pedestrians in the Connected Environment | 박준영 |
2017-06 | Alternative Approach for Combining Multiple Crash Modification Factors Using Adjustment Function and Analytic Hierarchy Process | 박준영 |
2024-10 | ANN 및 데이터샘플링기반항만터미널작업현장 사고심각도요인분석 | 박준영 |
2021-01 | Application of Random Effects Nonlinear Model for Analyzing Motorized and Nonmotorized Traffic Safety Performance | 박준영 |
2023-10 | Applying an improved calibration method in the safety evaluation framework for the open tolling system | 박준영 |
2023-11 | Applying modified-data mining techniques to assess public transportation vulnerable urban and suburban city areas | 박준영 |
2024-01 | Assessing crash severity of urban roads with data mining techniques using big data from in-vehicle dashcam | 박준영 |
2015-10 | Assessing the safety effects of multiple roadside treatments using parametric and nonparametric approaches | 박준영 |
2015-04 | Assessment of safety effects for widening urban roadways in developing crash modification functions using nonlinearizing link functions | 박준영 |
2018-12 | A Comparative Study between Private-Sector and Automated Vehicle Identification System Data through Various Travel Time Reliability Measures | 박준영 |
2019-09 | Consumer intentions to purchase battery electric vehicles in Korea | 박준영 |
2022-06-30 | Contributing factors to the change in travel mode choice after COVID-19 in Korea using bivariate probit model | 박준영 |
2023-12 | COVID-19 확산 및 방역지침 변화에 따른 지역별 교통사고시계열분석 | 박준영 |
2017-12 | Crash modeling for intersections and segments along corridors: A Bayesian multilevel joint model with random parameters | 박준영 |
2021-05 | A Crash Prediction Method Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Driving Behavior Event Data | 박준영 |
2021-04 | Crash- and Simulation-Based Safety Performance Evaluation of Freeway Rest Area | 박준영 |
2024-06-03 | Deep Q-network learning-based active speed management under autonomous driving environments | 박준영 |
2018-02 | Developing an algorithm to assess the rear-end collision risk under fog conditions using real-time data | 박준영 |
2015-01 | Developing crash modification functions to assess safety effects of adding bike lanes for urban arterials with different roadway and socio-economic characteristics | 박준영 |