2014-11 | 2 채널 방식의 수 냉각장치에 따른 영구자석 동기전동기의 열 특성 해석 | 문승재 |
2014-03 | 500 MW급 텐덤형 스팀 터빈 로터의 고온 열화평가 | 문승재 |
2013-09 | The Characteristic Variations of Inkjet-Printed Silver Nanoparticle Ink During Furnace Sintering | 문승재 |
2017-07 | Determining the machining parameters for femtosecond laser helical drilling of aluminosilicate glass substrate | 문승재 |
2016-09 | Development of a program for transient behavior simulation of heavy-duty gas turbines | 문승재 |
2020-09 | Development of wall-thinning evaluation procedure for nuclear power plant piping - Part 2: Local wall-thinning estimation method | 문승재 |
2016-06 | Development of Wall-Thinning Evaluation Procedure for Nuclear Power Plant Piping-Part 1: Quantification of Thickness Measurement Deviation | 문승재 |
2014-07 | Effect of contact angle and drop spacing on the bulging frequency of inkjet-printed silver lines on FC-coated glass | 문승재 |
2021-11 | The effect of current supply duration during stepwise electrical sintering of silver nanoparticles | 문승재 |
2014-10 | Effect of Laser Intensity on the Characteristic of Inkjet-Printed Silver Nanoparticles During Continuous Laser Sintering | 문승재 |
2013-06 | Effect of laser-induced temperature field on the characteristics of laser-sintered silver nanoparticle ink | 문승재 |
2013-11 | Effect of temperature on electrical conductance of inkjet-printed silver nanoparticle ink during continuous wave laser sintering | 문승재 |
2013-09 | The Effect of Temperature on the Electrical Properties of Inkjet-Printed Silver Nanoparticle Ink During Electrical Sintering | 문승재 |
2017-11 | Effect of the Chemical Composition on the Ablation Characteristics of Glass Substrates in Femtosecond Laser Machining | 문승재 |
2015-05 | Effect of Thickness on Surface Morphology of Silver Nanoparticle Layer During Furnace Sintering | 문승재 |
2011-09 | Effects of irradiation conditions on the lateral grain growth during laser crystallization of amorphous silicon films on borosilicate glass substrates | 문승재 |
2011-06 | Effects of irradiation conditions on the lateral grain growth during laser crystallization of amorphous silicon films on borosilicate glass substrates | 문승재 |
2016-01 | Electrical Property and Surface Morphology of Silver Nanoparticles After Thermal Sintering | 문승재 |
2013-09 | Estimation of the Properties of Silver Nanoparticle Ink During Laser Sintering via In-Situ Electrical Resistance Measurement | 문승재 |
2013-09 | Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films from the Optical Reflectivity Measurement | 문승재 |