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Showing results 1 to 20 of 113

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-09A 0.4 V 63 mu W 76.1 dB SNDR 20 kHz Bandwidth Delta-Sigma Modulator Using a Hybrid Switching Integrator노정진
2007-110.6V 400nW 급 초저전력 델타-시그마 모듈레이터 설계노정진
2008-02A 0.9-V 60-mu W 1-bit fourth-order delta-sigma modulator with 83-dB dynamic range노정진
2008-031-비트 4차 델타-시그마 변조기법을 이용한 D급 디지털 오디오 증폭기노정진
2016-12A 1.2V 83dB DR single-ended input SC sigma modulator including a large-swing analog buffer for portable ECG applications노정진
2008-111.5MHz, 300mA Step-Down Switching Regulator노정진
2015-10A 10-MHz multi-bit MASH delta-sigma modulator with analog summing interstage노정진
2021-03100.5 dB SNDR Analog Front-End With a Resistor-Based Discrete-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Eliminating Switching Noise and Harmonics노정진
2023-09103.1-dB DR Switched-Resistor Delta-Sigma Modulator With Chopped Negative-R for Suppressing Low-Bandwidth Noise노정진
2017-10A 17.4-b Delta-Sigma Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for One-Terminal Capacitive Sensors노정진
2021-03300 mA LDO Using 0.94 mu A I-Q With an Additional Feedback Path for Buffer Turn-off Under Light-Load Conditions노정진
2023-08-29A 464-nA Quiescent Current Buck Converter With 93.7% Peak Efficiency for IoT Devices노정진
2012-015-V Buck Converter Using 3.3-V Standard CMOS Process With Adaptive Power Transistor Driver Increasing Efficiency and Maximum Load Capacity노정진
2023-12-01A 54-nA Quiescent Current Capless LDO With-39-dB PSRR at 1 MHz Using a Load-Tracking Bandwidth Extension Technique노정진
2020-1160-V Non-Inverting Four-Mode Buck-Boost Converter With Bootstrap Sharing for Non-Switching Power Transistors노정진
2016-05A 7.5-mu W 0.08-mm(2) single-ended SC delta-sigma ADC for acoustic sensor applications노정진
2006-10A 80%-Efficiency Digital Audio Amplifier with 4-Ω Speaker load Using 1-bit 4th-Order Delta-Sigma Modulation노정진
2006-06800nA quiescent current 를 가지는 저전압 200mA 급 DC-DC Buck 변환기노정진
2008-0694% 효율을 가지는 전류모드 DC-DC 변환기 설계노정진
2008-0694% 효율을 가진 PFM/PWM 자동변환 전류-모드 DC-DC Boost 변환기노정진