2016-02 | 2007년~2014년 기간의 미국과 유럽 시장 원유 및 천연가스 선・현물가격 동조화 분석 | 김진수 |
2021 | AI Integrated Autonomous Lane Change Control System Adaptable to Dynamic Traffic Flow | 김진수 |
2018-05 | An Analysis of CO2 Emissions from International Transport and the Driving Forces of Emissions Change | 김진수 |
2015-09 | Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to select the optimal heating facility for Korean horticulture and stockbreeding sectors | 김진수 |
2017-06 | CO2 배출에 대한 경제자유지수, 재생에너지 발전율, 에너지 소비량과 GDP의 영향력 분석 | 김진수 |
2018-03 | Coal Consumption and Economic Growth: Panel Cointegration and Causality Evidence from OECD and Non-OECD Countries | 김진수 |
2019-04 | A comparative study of energy and carbon efficiency for emerging countries using panel stochastic frontier analysis | 김진수 |
2021-01 | Development of the vent clogging monitoring methods for injection molding | 김진수 |
2018-09 | Economic impact of overseas coal bed methane development project on Korean economy | 김진수 |
2018-11 | The effect of interest in renewable energy on US household electricity consumption: An analysis using Google Trends data | 김진수 |
2015-12 | The effects of South Korea's conditional loan system in promoting foreign oil and gas exploration projects | 김진수 |
2020-06 | Embodied CO(2)Emission Changes in Manufacturing Trade: Structural Decomposition Analysis of China, Japan, and Korea | 김진수 |
2014-03 | Empirical analysis of competing factors influencing exploration investment in international oil and gas industry: Evidence from OPEC countries | 김진수 |
2012-09 | Energy and economic growth: causality anaysis using decomposed energy consumption | 김진수 |
2016-06 | Energy efficiency in Korea: analysis using a hybrid DEA model | 김진수 |
2019-05 | Evaluation Model for Investment in Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process | 김진수 |
2013-12 | Evolution of the international crude oil market mechanism | 김진수 |
2021-05 | Examination of the melt temperature stability of the mold-type slit rheometer affected by plasticizing conditions and the shear heating in the nozzle and sprue | 김진수 |
2015-11 | Forecasting Natural Gas Prices Using Wavelets, Time Series, and Artificial Neural Networks | 김진수 |
2011-04 | FUZZY AHP 방법을 이용한 가스하이드레이트 개발사업의 가치 속성 및 가중치 산정 연구 | 김진수 |