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Showing results 1 to 20 of 56

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-11Adsorption Properties of Argon on Ti Doped SBA-15김재용
2018-12Analysis of local sites of deuterium in Ti53Zr27Ni20 alloys김재용
2013-12Analysis of Structure and P-c-T Curve of Hydrogenated Ti53Zr27-xNi20Pdx Quasicrystals김재용
2011-07Biogenic materialization using pear extract intended for the synthesis and design of ordered gold nanostructures김재용
2022-08-23Chemical constituents of the Ajuga multiflora bunge and their protective effects on dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy in C2C12 myotubes김재용
2017-01Chromogenic Tubular Polydiacetylenes from Topochemical Polymerization of Self-Assembled Macrocyclic Diacetylenes김재용
2012-07Conductivities and curing properties of electron-beam-irradiated anisotropic conductive films김재용
2013-10Contact resistance properties of electron-beam-cured anisotropic conductive films김재용
2020-07Deposition-Temperature-Mediated Selective Phase Transition Mechanism of VO2 Films김재용
2017-09Desorption dynamics of deuterium in CuCrZr alloy김재용
2020-11Distance makes a difference in crystalline photoluminescence김재용
2013-12Effect of mechanical milling on electrochemical properties of Ti45Zr38xNi17+x (x=0, 8) quasicrystals produced by rapid-quenching김재용
2012-11Effects of hydrogen on the magnetic properties of TiZrNi quasicrystals김재용
2011-09Electrochemical properties of Ti45Zr38-xNi17+x (0 <= x <= 8) quasicrystals produced by rapid-quenching김재용
2013-11Electron beam curing of acrylated epoxy resins for anisotropic conductive film application김재용
2020-11Fast synthesis of large-scale single-crystal graphene with well-defined edges upon sodium chloride addition김재용
2013-09Formation of ZnO Nanostructures Grown on Si and SiO2 Substrates김재용
2021-02Green synthesis of reduced-graphene oxide quantum dots and application for colorimetric biosensor김재용
2014-08High Purity and Yield of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Using Amorphous Boron and a Nozzle-Type Reactor김재용
2019-06High-pressure triggered quantum tunneling tuning through classical percolation in a single nanowire of a binary composite김재용