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Showing results 1 to 20 of 89

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-02Analysis of the Interaction between Polygenic Risk Score and Calorie Intake in Obesity in the Korean Population김미경
2015-08The association between carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of human hair and metabolic syndrome김미경
2019-08The association between metabolic syndrome and peanuts, pine nuts, almonds consumption: The Ansan and Ansung Study김미경
2020-01Association of dietary glycaemic index, glycaemic load, and total carbohydrates with incidence of type-2 diabetes in adults aged≥40 years: The Multi-Rural Communities Cohort (MRCohort)김미경
2019-02Association of Dietary Potassium Intake with the Development of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Function in Patients with Mildly Decreased Kidney Function: The Korean Multi-Rural Communities Cohort Study김미경
2014-03Association of heart rate and left ventricular structure in a rural population in Korea김미경
2016-04Blood triglycerides levels and dietary carbohydrate indices in Healthy Koreans김미경
2016-08C-reactive protein concentration is associated with a higher risk of mortality in a rural Korean population김미경
2019-02Cognitive impairment is associated with elevated serum homocysteine levels among older adults김미경
2017-04Cohort Profile: The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES) Consortium김미경
2013-04A cross-sectional analysis of the relationship between daily alcohol consumption and serum adiponectin levels among adults aged 40 years or more in a rural area of Korea김미경
2016-01Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations between Egg Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome in Adults ˃= 40 Years Old: The Yangpyeong Cohort of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES_Yangpyeong)김미경
2015-06The cross-sectional relationship between dietary calcium intake and metabolic syndrome among men and women aged 40 or older in rural areas of Korea김미경
2016-06The cross-sectional relationships of dietary and serum vitamin D with cardiometabolic risk factors: Metabolic components, subclinical atherosclerosis, and arterial stiffness김미경
2020-03Dietary iodine, seaweed consumption, and incidence risk of metabolic syndrome among postmenopausal women: a prospective analysis of the Korean Multi‑Rural Communities Cohort Study (MRCohort)김미경
2015-04Dietary patterns and cognitive function in Korean older adults김미경
2021-02Dietary Patterns and Frailty in Older Korean Adults: Results from the Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study김미경
2015-05Dietary Patterns Derived by Cluster Analysis are Associated with Cognitive Function among Korean Older Adults김미경
2013-04Dietary patterns of Korean older adults and cognitive function김미경
2016-10Dietary sodium and potassium intake in relation to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease김미경