2011-07 | 3-레벨 NPC 인버터에서 중성점 전압의 예측 제어 | 김래영 |
2015-11 | 3상 6팩 인버터 모듈을 이용한 하나의 가극성 커플드 인덕터를 갖는 영전압 스위칭 펄스-폭 변조 단상 풀-브릿지 인버터 | 김래영 |
2014-02 | 3상 계통 연계형 인버터에서의 전류 고조파 감쇄를 위한 능동형 피드포워드 보상 기법 | 김래영 |
2014-07 | 4/2 스위치드 릴럭턴스 모터의 새로운 초기 기동 알고리즘 | 김래영 |
2019-11 | Active Disturbance Rejection Control Scheme for Reducing Mutual Current and Harmonics in Multi-Parallel Grid-Connected Inverters | 김래영 |
2013-11 | An Active Feedforward Compensation for a Current Harmonics Reduction in Threephase Grid-connected Inverters | 김래영 |
2018-10 | An Active Partial Switching Method in Tertiary Loop for a High-Efficiency Predictive Current-Mode Control PFC Converter | 김래영 |
2015-06 | Adaptive Damping Scheme of LCL Filter Resonance under Inductance Variation for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter | 김래영 |
2012-10 | An Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on a Variable Scaling Factor for Photovoltaic Systems | 김래영 |
2012-12 | An Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on a Variable Scaling Factor for Photovoltaic Systems | 김래영 |
2015-09 | Analysis and compensation of band-pass-filter delay for a high frequency signal injected sensorless control | 김래영 |
2016-06 | The analysis and design of droop controlled DCMGS considering the line impedance | 김래영 |
2020-10 | Analysis and Evaluation of WBG Power Device in High Frequency Induction Heating Application | 김래영 |
2013-06 | Analysis and Modeling of Parallel Three-Phase Boost Converters Using Three-Phase Coupled Inductor | 김래영 |
2020-10 | Analysis of Various Pickup Coil Designs in Nonmodule-Type GaN Power Semiconductors | 김래영 |
2021-01 | Analysis, Design Method of High-Frequency Integrated Transformer Structure | 김래영 |
2011-05 | Analytical approach of circulating currents mitigation effect using coupled inductor in the parallel three-phase boost converters | 김래영 |
2013-11 | Averaged Modeling and Control of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Two-Stage Inverter for Battery Application | 김래영 |
2012-10 | Battery Voltage Sensorless Charge Equalizer Using the Multi-Winding Transformer | 김래영 |
2015-11 | Comparative Analysis for Main Parameters of Modular Multilevel Converter in HVDC Applications | 김래영 |