2019-02 | Incidence of Open-angle Glaucoma in Newly Diagnosed Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Nationwide Population-based Study | 이원준 |
2018-08 | Incidence of retinal vein occlusion in open-angle glaucoma: a nationwide, population-based study using the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Database | 이원준 |
2021-02 | Investigation of MicroRNA Expression in Anterior Lens Capsules of Senile Cataract Patients and MicroRNA Differences According to the Cataract Type | 이원준 |
2009-08 | OFDMA 시스템을 위한 적응 자원 할당 기법 | 이원준 |
2020-07 | Optic disc melanocytoma with normal tension glaucoma and angle closure glaucoma: Two case reports | 이원준 |
2020-02 | Patterns of Glaucoma Progression in Combined Wide-field Optical Coherence Tomography Event-based Progression Analysis | 이원준 |
2021-01 | A pilot study for intraocular pressure measurements based on vibroacoustic parameters | 이원준 |
2020-09 | Positional Change of the Eyeball During Eye Movements: Evidence of Translatory Movement | 이원준 |
2019-02 | Predicting the Therapeutic Efficacy of Laser Peripheral Iridotomy for Individuals With Asymptomatic Narrow Angle: The Triple Hump Sign | 이원준 |
2021-01 | Progression of Parapapillary Choroidal Microvascular Dropout After Disc Hemorrhage in Glaucoma Patients: 2 Case Reports | 이원준 |
2020-05 | Quantitative analysis of retinal nerve fiber layer defect in early open-angle glaucoma with normal intraocular pressure | 이원준 |
2020-05 | Rate of three-dimensional neuroretinal rim thinning in glaucomatous eyes with optic disc haemorrhage | 이원준 |
2019-02 | Rates of Ganglion Cell-Inner Plexiform Layer Thinning in Normal, Open-Angle Glaucoma and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma Eyes: A Trend-Based Analysis | 이원준 |
2019-02 | Re: Hou et al.: Integrating macular ganglion cell inner plexiform layer and parapapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements to detect glaucoma progression (Ophthalmology. 2018;125:822-831) | 이원준 |
2021-01 | Re: Wu et al.: Wide-field trend-based progression analysis of combined retinal nerve fiber layer and ganglion cell inner plexiform layer thickness (Ophthalmology. 2020;127:1322-1330) | 이원준 |
2018-01 | Relationship Between Open-angle Glaucoma and Stroke: A 2010 to 2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey | 이원준 |
2018-07 | Reversible Peripapillary Vascular Loop Change | 이원준 |
2018-08 | Serial Combined Wide-Field Optical Coherence Tomography Maps for Detection of Early Glaucomatous Structural Progression | 이원준 |
2018-11 | Three dimensional neuro-retinal rim thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness using high-definition optical coherence tomography for open-angle glaucoma | 이원준 |
2019-11 | Traumatic optic neuropathy-associated progressive thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer and ganglion cell complex: two case reports | 이원준 |
2020-05 | Vulnerability Zone of Glaucoma Progression in Combined Wide-field Optical Coherence Tomography Event-based Progression Analysis | 이원준 |
2021-02 | A Wide-Field Optical Coherence Tomography Normative Database Considering the Fovea-Disc Relationship for Glaucoma Detection | 이원준 |
2017-02 | 고고도 환경에서 적외선 스트랩다운 탐색기를 이용한 초고속 표적 미사일 추적 및 요격기법 연구 | 이원준 |
2017-02 | 보험서비스품질이 고객만족·신뢰·재구매의도에 미치는 영향 | 이원준 |
2011-08 | 아스콘포장의 AASHTO법과 TA법의 안정성 및 경제성 비교 검토에 관한 연구 | 이원준 |
2015-02 | 축소 모델 검증을 통한 코어리스 타입 무선전력전송 시스템의 성능 개선에 대한 연구 | 이원준 |