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Showing results 12 to 40 of 40

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-05The Impact of Low Oil Prices on South Korea김연규
2013-07Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Russia: Contending Paradigms and Current Perspectives김연규
2013-07“Ukraine Fatigue” and A New US Agenda for Europe and Eurasia김연규
2014-04Moscow versus Brussels: Rival Integration Projects in the Balkans김연규
2013-05The new great game in Central Asia post 2014: The US "New Silk Road" strategy and Sino-Russian rivalry김연규
2016-01The New Great Game of Caspian energy in 2013-14: 'Turk Stream', Russia and Turkey김연규
2012-06Non-Traditional Security(NTS) in Central Asia: Contending Paradigms and Current Perspectives김연규
2016-04The North Caucasus: Russia’s Other War김연규
2014-10Putin and Korea's "Silk Road Express": Russia's Game on the Korean Peninsula김연규
2018-06"가즈프롬 모델"의 위기와 러시아 가스 부문 자유화김연규
2012-06Restarting the Six-Party Talks: Russia's Dilemmas and Current Perspectives김연규
2015-02Russia and Latin America The New Frontier for Geopolitics, Arms Sales and Energy김연규
2020-08Russia and the Mediterranean in the Era of Great Power Competition: Russia’s New Naval Challenges to the West김연규
2019-08Russia's Arms Sales Policy after the Ukrainian Sanctions김연규
2018-06Russia's Pivot to Asia: A Balance Sheet김연규
2012-11Russo-Turkish Divergence (Part II): The Energy Dimension김연규
2013-09Same Bed, Different Dreams: China's "peaceful rise' and Sino-Russian rivalry in Central Asia김연규
2012-11A Sensitivity Analysis Regarding the Impacts of Trade Openness and Globalization Growth: Empirical Evidence from Korea김연규
2015-02US shale revolution and Russia: shifting geopolitics of energy in Europe and Asia김연규
2011-12Why Is Russian Energy Policy Failing in Asia?*김연규
2018-05글로벌 가스시장변화와 러시아의 유럽가스수출전략변화김연규
2017-12동북아 가스 시장의 변화와 한국의 대응 방안 연구김연규
2014-06부패가 소득불평등에 미치는영향: 국가별 횡단면 분석김연규
2013-10셰일혁명과 글로벌 기후변화 거버넌스김연규
2015-05셰일혁명과 신국제에너지 질서김연규
2016-11저유가 체제하 동북아시아 LNG 협력 현황과 전망김연규
2017-03중국의 셰일가스 개발: 정책과 현황, 동인과 장애 요소를 중심으로김연규
2015-02천연가스 수입과 외환보유액 사이의 상호관계: 한국의 시계열분석김연규
2018-09트럼프 정부하 미국-러시아의 유럽가스공급 경쟁: 노드스트림II 가스관 사례김연규