2012-06 | SCTP Throughput Improvement through Automatic Path Switching | 조인휘 |
2016-05 | A SDN-based Network Intrusion Detection System to Overcome UPnP Security Drawbacks | 조인휘 |
2020-02 | A Secure Operating System Architecture based on Linux against Communication Offense with Root Exploit for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | 조인휘 |
2019-02 | Security Vulnerability Analysis of WiFi Connection Hijacking on the Linux-Based Robot Operating System for Drone Systems | 조인휘 |
2014-05 | Selective 2-Phase spray and Wait Routing for Overhead Reduction in Delay Tolerant Networks | 조인휘 |
2014-11 | Selective clustering scheme based on user equipment path and frequency reuse scheme for coordinated multi-point joint processing | 조인휘 |
2019-02 | SGNet: Design of Optimized DCNN for Real-Time Face Detection | 조인휘 |
2020-08 | SNR-Based TDMA Scheduling with Continuous Energy Transfer for Wireless Powered Communication Networks | 조인휘 |
2021-01 | State-of-Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Attention-Based Deep Learning | 조인휘 |
2012-05 | Tier-based Proactive Path Selection Mode for Wireless Mesh Networks | 조인휘 |
2011-12 | A Tree Overlapping-Based Mesh Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks | 조인휘 |
2020-01 | UAV Anomaly Detection with Distributed Artificial Intelligence based on LSTM-AE and AE | 조인휘 |
2019-12 | UAV Path Planning based on Reinforcement Learning for Fair Resource Allocation in UAV-Relayed Cellular Networks | 조인휘 |
2020-01 | A UAV Path Planning Method using Polynomial Regression for Remote Sensor Data Collection | 조인휘 |
2018-12 | Weighted Harvest-Then-Transmit: UAV-Enabled Wireless Powered Communication Networks | 조인휘 |
2013-04 | A WSN-based Localization Scheme considering the Reliability of RSSI Measurements | 조인휘 |
2011-05 | 망 분리 환경에서 스토리지 기반의 데이터 공유 시스템 설계 및 구현 | 조인휘 |
2012-11 | 무선 센서 네트워크에서 RSSI 신뢰성 판단을 통한 전송 파워 설정 기법 | 조인휘 |
2011-12 | 무선랜 환경에서 세션키를 이용한 모바일 IPTV 인증 프로토콜 | 조인휘 |
2012-11 | 무선센서네트워크에서 주기적인 트래픽을 위한 최소 Preamble MAC | 조인휘 |