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Showing results 38 to 57 of 99

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-01F-DCS: FMI-based Distributed CPS Simulation Framework with a Redundancy Reduction Algorithm조인휘
2020-08Fair Random Access with Track-Based SNR Scheduling for Full-Duplex Wireless Powered Communication Networks조인휘
2015-05A Fire Evacuation Guidance System Based on Ubiquitous Sensor Networks조인휘
2018-04Harvest-Then-Transceive: Throughput Maximization in Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Networks조인휘
2013-04A Heuristic-based Vertical Handover Algorithm using MIH for Individual Users조인휘
2018-01A hybrid MAC protocol for optimal channel allocation in large-scale wireless powered communication networks조인휘
2017-11I-DWRL: Improved Dual Wireless Radio Localization using Magnetometer조인휘
2013-11IEEE 802.16 네트워크에서 다양한 트래픽 지원을 위한 경합 기반의 폴링 기법조인휘
2012-02An Improved Route Optimization Algorithm for RMTP Support in the NEMO Environment조인휘
2020-01Improvement of the User Throughput with Relaying through CR-based UAV조인휘
2014-06Improving performance of optimistic simulation for distributed simulation system using speculative computation조인휘
2012-08An Indoor Localization Pre-Processing with Optimal Channel Selection Considering Channel Interference조인휘
2015-06Intelligent Transmission Power Allocation for Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks조인휘
2020-09Learning for Multiple-Relay Selection in a Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network조인휘
2014-05A Localization Algorithm for Disaster Situation Using Flying Sensor Nodes조인휘
2020-08An LSTM-Based Encoder-Decoder Model for State-of-Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries조인휘
2020-06A LSTM-Hawkes hybrid model for posterior click distribution forecast in the advertising network environment조인휘
2011-11Method Signature를 이용한 안드로이드 런타임 성능향상조인휘
2017-05Modeling and Simulation of LoRa in OPNET조인휘
2011-01NEMO 환경에서 RMTP를 지원하기 위한 개선된 경로 최적화 알고리즘조인휘