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Showing results 2 to 21 of 58

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-07Accident Sequence Quantification in Multi-unit Seismic PSA using MCSs제무성
2019-05An Analysis of Economic Factors for Level 3 PSA제무성
2016-10An Assessment for a Filtered Containment Venting Strategy Using Decision Tree Models제무성
2016-10An Assessment for Emergency Preparedness Plan in Hanul Nuclear Power Plant제무성
2019-05An Assessment of Fission Product Release Mitigation by CFVS at ECF using MELCOR 2.2제무성
2020-07Assessment of Source Terms for ISLOCA Using MELCOR제무성
2015-10An Assessment of the VHTR Safety Distance Using the Reliability Physics Model제무성
2016-03A COCAP Program for the Statistical Analysis of Common Cause Failure Parameters제무성
2019-05Comparison Study on Dose Estimation among Consequence Analysis Codes제무성
2014-06A Computer Program for Evaluating the Alpha Factor Model Parameters Using the Bayesian Operation제무성
2017-01Consequence analysis for nuclear reactors, Yongbyon제무성
2016-10Contribution of the Exposure Pathways After a Severe Accident제무성
2019-10Development of a Bayesian Analysis Program, MUDAP제무성
2020-07Development of A Consequence Analysis Computer Code, HYRISK제무성
2016-05Development of A Framework For Assessing Accident Sequence Precursor and Its Application제무성
2016-05Development of A Methodology for Assessong Various Accident Management Strategies Using Decision Tree Models제무성
2016-05Development of a Methodology for VHTR Accident Consequence Assessment제무성
2017-01Development of a New Methodology for Quantifying, Nuclear Safety Culture제무성
2017-03Development of an Accident Sequence Precursor Methodology and its Application to Significant Accident Precursors제무성
2016-10Development of ASP Methodology and its Application to the Significant Accident Precursors제무성