2013-06 | Miniaturization of Dual-Band PIFA for Wireless LAN Communication | 정경영 |
2012-12 | Miniaturized Antenna with High Radiation Efficiency Using Ground and Chip Capacitors | 정경영 |
2020-08 | mmWave대역 인체분산 MPI-FDTD 기법 | 정경영 |
2015-10 | Mode Matching Analysis of Via-Plate Capacitance in Multilayer Structures With Finite Plate Thickness | 정경영 |
2014-02 | Mode-Matching Analysis of a Coaxially Fed Annular Slot Surrounded with Corrugations | 정경영 |
2019-06 | Newmark-FDTD Formulation for Modified Lorentz Dispersive Medium and Its Equivalence to Auxiliary Differential Equation-FDTD with Bilinear Transformation | 정경영 |
2020-11 | Numerical Stability and Accuracy of CCPR-FDTD for Dispersive Medi | 정경영 |
2018-08 | Numerical study of electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in collapsed building for rescue radar applications | 정경영 |
2020-09 | Numerical Study of Maximum Peak Spatial SAR Reduction in a Mobile Phone | 정경영 |
2020-09 | Numerical Study on the Feasibility of a 24 GHz ISM-Band Doppler Radar Antenna for Near-Field Sensing of Human Respiration in Electromagnetic Aspects | 정경영 |
2015-03 | On numerical aspects of FDTD dispersive modeling using a quartic complex rational function | 정경영 |
2014-06 | On the Numerical Accuracy of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Dispersive Modeling Based on a Complex Quadratic Rational Function | 정경영 |
2014-10 | On the Numerical Stability of Finite-Difference Time-Domain for Wave Propagation in Dispersive Media Using Quadratic Complex Rational Function | 정경영 |
2016-02 | Parallel Dispersive FDTD Method Based on the Quadratic Complex Rational Function | 정경영 |
2018-02 | Passive-Filter-Configuration-Based Reduction of Up-to-Several-Hundred-MHz EMI Noises in H-Bridge PWM Micro-Stepping Motor Driver Circuits | 정경영 |
2020-10 | Perfectly Matched Layer for Accurate FDTD for Anisotropic Magnetized Plasma | 정경영 |
2020-09 | Propagation From Geostationary Orbit Satellite to Ground Station Considering Dispersive and Inhomogeneous Atmospheric Environments | 정경영 |
2015-04 | "지대넓얕"시대를 생각한다 | 정경영 |
2018-12 | Radiation from a Cavity-Backed Circular Aperture Array Antenna Enclosed by an FSS Radome | 정경영 |
2013-11 | Radiation from a circular aperture surrounded by corrugations | 정경영 |