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Showing results 32 to 51 of 92

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-02FDTD Dispersive Modeling of Human Tissues Based on Quadratic Complex Rational Function정경영
2015-09FDTD Dispersive Modeling With High-Order Rational Constitutive Parameters정경영
2020-05FDTD Modeling for the Accurate Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Graphene정경영
2013-07FDTD 방법을 이용한 간단한 건물 구조의 광대역 차폐 효과에 관한 연구정경영
2019-01Finite-Difference Time-Domain Modeling for Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Human Voxel Model at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies정경영
2015-09Flexible flux plane simulations of parasitic absorption in nanoplasmonic thin-film silicon solar cells정경영
2019-02High-Gain Waveguide-Fed Circularly Polarized Spidron Fractal Aperture Antenna정경영
2016-07Hybrid dielectric light trapping designs for thin-film CdZnTe/Si tandem cells정경영
2017-07Improving light extraction in light-emitting diodes using zinc-tin-oxide layers정경영
2016-09“Voce si amara,” 몬테베르디의 소음:《포페아의 대관》(L’incoronatione di Poppea, 1642)의 1막 3장을 중심으로정경영
2011-03Loop-type ground antenna using resonated loop feeding, intended for mobile devices정경영
2015-06‘Oracollo della Musica,’ 혹은 몬테베르디의 음악적 근대성 : 몬테베르디, 베르트, 마렌치오의 《Cruda Amarilli》 를 중심으로정경영
2013-06Miniaturization of Dual-Band PIFA for Wireless LAN Communication정경영
2012-12Miniaturized Antenna with High Radiation Efficiency Using Ground and Chip Capacitors정경영
2020-08mmWave대역 인체분산 MPI-FDTD 기법정경영
2015-10Mode Matching Analysis of Via-Plate Capacitance in Multilayer Structures With Finite Plate Thickness정경영
2014-02Mode-Matching Analysis of a Coaxially Fed Annular Slot Surrounded with Corrugations정경영
2019-06Newmark-FDTD Formulation for Modified Lorentz Dispersive Medium and Its Equivalence to Auxiliary Differential Equation-FDTD with Bilinear Transformation정경영
2020-11Numerical Stability and Accuracy of CCPR-FDTD for Dispersive Medi정경영
2018-08Numerical study of electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in collapsed building for rescue radar applications정경영