2019-11 | Accurate and Efficient Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation Compared With CCPR Model for Complex Dispersive Media | 정경영 |
2013-10 | Accurate FDTD Dispersive Modeling for Concrete Materials | 정경영 |
2015-07 | Accurate FDTD modelling for dispersive media using rational function and particle swarm optimisation | 정경영 |
2016-10 | Analysis of magnetic photonic crystals using complex envelope ADI-FDTD method | 정경영 |
2011-04 | Application of the Modal CFS-PML-FDTD to the Analysis of Magnetic Photonic Crystal Waveguides | 정경영 |
2014-08 | Broadband Finite-Difference Time-Domain Modeling of Plasmonic Organic Photovoltaics | 정경영 |
2012-12 | Capacitance of coplanar waveguides in multilayer dielectric substrates | 정경영 |
2018-12 | Closed-Form Formulas of Input Impedance and Axial Ratio of a Circular Patch With Perturbation Segments | 정경영 |
2013-11 | Complex rational function for frequency dependent complex permittivity of biological tissues | 정경영 |
2019-12 | Comprehensive Study on Numerical Aspects of Modified Lorentz Model-Based Dispersive FDTD Formulations | 정경영 |
2014-03 | CPU 클러스터 구축 및 3차원 공간분할 병렬 FDTD 알고리즘 구현 | 정경영 |
2020-04 | Design of a Circularly-Polarized UHF Antenna for Partial Discharge Detection | 정경영 |
2018-09 | Design of a Compact Antenna Array for Satellite Navigation System Using Hybrid Matching Network | 정경영 |
2020-01 | Design of a four‐element array for accurate direction of arrival estimation in phase interferometry systems | 정경영 |
2018-11 | Design of a Hemispherical Reconfigurable Frequency Selective Surface Using Water Channels | 정경영 |
2012-12 | Design of a metamaterial-inspired size-reduced wideband loop antenna with frequency scanning characteristic | 정경영 |
2018-01 | Design of a miniaturized spiral antenna for partial discharge detection system | 정경영 |
2012-05 | Directional emission from a slit surrounded by grooves in a conducting plane | 정경영 |
2013-05 | Directional Emission from a Slit Surrounded by Rectangular Grooves on the Exit Surface in a Conducting Plane | 정경영 |
2019-03 | Dual Band RCS Reduction Using Modulated Grooves in A Conducting Plane | 정경영 |