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Showing results 21 to 40 of 92

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-05Directional emission from a slit surrounded by grooves in a conducting plane정경영
2013-05Directional Emission from a Slit Surrounded by Rectangular Grooves on the Exit Surface in a Conducting Plane정경영
2019-03Dual Band RCS Reduction Using Modulated Grooves in A Conducting Plane정경영
2012-12Dual-band PIFA using resonated loop feed structure정경영
2012-07Electromagnetic transmission through a slit surrounded with grooves in a conducting plane정경영
2013-07Enhanced and directional transmission through a slit surrounded with grooves in a conducting plane정경영
2014-02Enhanced electromagnetic transmission through a slit surrounded by rectangular grooves정경영
2013-09Enhanced Transmission Through a Circular Aperture Surrounded by Concentric Surface Corrugations in a Conducting Plane정경영
2015-09Enhancement of Device Performances in GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Using Nano-Sized Surface Pit정경영
2013-08Enhancement of the light extraction of GaN-based green light emitting diodes via nanohybrid structures정경영
2014-02Extraordinary electromagnetic transmission through a circular aperture surrounded by surface corrugations정경영
2013-02FDTD Dispersive Modeling of Human Tissues Based on Quadratic Complex Rational Function정경영
2015-09FDTD Dispersive Modeling With High-Order Rational Constitutive Parameters정경영
2020-05FDTD Modeling for the Accurate Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Graphene정경영
2013-07FDTD 방법을 이용한 간단한 건물 구조의 광대역 차폐 효과에 관한 연구정경영
2019-01Finite-Difference Time-Domain Modeling for Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Human Voxel Model at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies정경영
2015-09Flexible flux plane simulations of parasitic absorption in nanoplasmonic thin-film silicon solar cells정경영
2019-02High-Gain Waveguide-Fed Circularly Polarized Spidron Fractal Aperture Antenna정경영
2016-07Hybrid dielectric light trapping designs for thin-film CdZnTe/Si tandem cells정경영
2017-07Improving light extraction in light-emitting diodes using zinc-tin-oxide layers정경영