2015-03 | Increased VEGF and Decreased SDF-1 alpha in Patients with Silent Brain Infarction Are Associated with Better Prognosis after First-Ever Acute Lacunar Stroke | 이영주 |
2011-12 | L-DOPA neurotoxicity is prevented by neuroprotective effects of erythropoietin | 이영주 |
2019-10 | LGR5 and Downstream Intracellular Signaling Proteins Play Critical Roles in the Cell Proliferation of Neuroblastoma, Meningioma and Pituitary Adenoma | 이영주 |
2019-10 | Mitochondria damaged by Oxygen Glucose Deprivation can be Restored through Activation of the PI3K/Akt Pathway and Inhibition of Calcium Influx by Amlodipine Camsylate | 이영주 |
2013-01 | MRI and ultrasonographic findings in idiopathic intracranial hypertension | 이영주 |
2016-07 | Neural stem cells injured by oxidative stress can be rejuvenated by GV1001, a novel peptide, through scavenging free radicals and enhancing survival signals | 이영주 |
2016-12 | Neuroprotective Effects of Acetyl-L-Carnitine Against Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation-Induced Neural Stem Cell Death | 이영주 |
2014-03 | Neuroprotective effects of amlodipine besylate and benidipine hydrochloride on oxidative stress-injured neural stem cells | 이영주 |
2014-06 | The novel vaccine peptide GV1001 effectively blocks β-amyloid toxicity by mimicking the extra-telomeric functions of human telomerase reverse transcriptase | 이영주 |
2012-04 | Occupational Exposure to Pesticides and Nerve Conduction Studies Among Korean Farmers | 이영주 |
2018-02 | PLK1에 의한 FoxM1의 인산화가 비소세포폐암 전이에 미치는 영향 | 이영주 |
2011-11 | A probable cavernoma in the medulla oblongata presenting only as upbeat nystagmus | 이영주 |
2011-01 | Protective effects of statins on L-DOPA neurotoxicity due to the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and free radical scavenging in PC12 cell culture | 이영주 |
2019-11 | Ring Finger Protein 213 유전자 다형성을 보인 무증상 양측 내경동맥폐색 | 이영주 |
2012-12 | Role of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways in the neuroprotective effects of cilnidipine against hypoxia in a primary culture of cortical neurons | 이영주 |
2019-06 | Sublethal Doses of Zinc Protect Neural Stem Cells Against Hypoxia Through Activation of the PI3K Pathway | 이영주 |
2012-11 | Teaching NeuroImages: CSF leaks and spontaneous intracranial hypotension | 이영주 |
2018-02 | Tracking and protection of transplanted stem cells using a ferrocenecarboxylic acid-conjugated peptide that mimics hTERT | 이영주 |
2007-02 | 고등학생의 성취목표가 미술학업에서의 스트레스, 심리적 안녕감, 미술의 효과지각에 미치는 영향 | 이영주 |
2016-08 | 금 촉매 고리 이성질화 반응을 이용한 Bisbenzoannulenes의 합성 | 이영주 |