2019-02 | Mechanical Properties and Sulfate Resistance of High Volume Fly Ash Cement Mortars with Air-Cooled Slag as Fine Aggregate and Polypropylene Fibers | 유재석 |
2017-09 | New approach for delaying the internal temperature rise of fire resistant mortar made with coated aggregate | 유재석 |
2016-08 | New Surface-Treatment Technique of Concrete Structures Using Crack Repair Stick with Healing Ingredients | 유재석 |
2021-04 | Performance Assessment of the Post-Tensioned Anchorage Zone Using High-Strength Concrete Considering Confinement Effect | 유재석 |
2019-09 | Prevention of Autogenous Shrinkage in High-Strength Mortars with Saturated Tea Waste Particles | 유재석 |
2012-01 | Properties of early-stage concrete with setting-accelerating tablet in cold weather | 유재석 |
2013-11 | Reduction of heavy metals and organic materials by atomized slag barrier in contaminated groundwater | 유재석 |
2015-04 | The relationship between various superplasticizers and hydration of mortar incorporating metakaolin | 유재석 |
2019-07 | Review on the self-healing concrete-approach and evaluation techniques | 유재석 |
2014-11 | Self healing behavior for crack closing of expansive agent via granulation/film coating method | 유재석 |
2019-08 | Self-healing performance of coated slag aggregates in wheat straw ash blended cement composites | 유재석 |
2018-11 | Self-healing performance of GGBFS based cementitious mortar with granulated activators exposed to a seawater environment | 유재석 |
2019-07 | Self-healing phenomena using PVA coated granules for sustainable construction | 유재석 |
2020-10 | A Study of Sonar Image Stabilization of Unmanned Surface Vehicle Based on Motion Sensor for Inspection of Underwater Infrastructure | 유재석 |
2013-03 | Use of tabletting & coating accelerator for the prevention of early-frost of concrete in cold weather | 유재석 |
2011-12 | 순환잔골재를 혼입한 자기충전 콘크리트의 현장적용을 위한 실험적 연구 | 유재석 |
2013-04 | 정제화 방법을 이용한 응결 지연제의 특성에 관한 연구 | 유재석 |
2012-09 | 친환경 콘크리트 개발을 위한 고분자 화합물의 적용에 관한 연구 | 유재석 |
2011-06 | 타블렛 형태 급결제가 콘크리트의 응결시간 및 조기강도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 | 유재석 |
2012-07 | 폴리비닐아세테이트(PVAc)를 이용한 복합공법의 수밀성능 향상에 관한 연구 | 유재석 |