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Showing results 10 to 29 of 47

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007-08The Role of Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in the Grammaticalization of Icey in Korean김명희
2002-12The Role of Subjectivity in the Grammaticalization of Korean Ice김명희
2006-06The Role of the Textbook in the Acquisition of High-Frequency Verbs by EFL Learners김명희
2002-06Segmental vs. Prosodic Approach to Listening Comprehension in English김명희
2016-12A Study on Style Shift betweenHonorific and Plain Language in Korean김명희
2005-12Teaching English High-Frequency Verbs in Textbooks김명희
2003-06Thematic Organization in the Narratives of Korean EFL Learners김명희
2001-12Thematic Organization of Discourse and Referential Choices in Australian Languages김명희
2001-03The Thematic Structure of Narrative and the Choice of Particle Nun in Korean김명희
2002-12Uses of Make in Korean EFL Learner Writing: A Corpus-Based Study김명희
2014-08Why self-deprecating? Achieving 'oneness' in conversation김명희
2013-07Young Children's Role-Playing for Enhancing Personal Intelligences in Multiple Intelligences Theory김명희
2023-12교수-대학생 간 대화에서 해라체 ‘-다’의 사용김명희
2023-11교수와 대학생 간 과업중심대화에서 ‘-습니다’체의 사용에 관한 연구김명희
2016-10교육비평방법론을 활용한 질적연구김명희
2013-04구어체 어말어미 ‘-거든’과 ‘-더라’의 담화기능김명희
2014-06국가별 TOEFL iBT 성적에 미치는 언어적 요인 및 비언어적 요인 분석김명희
2006-08국어 의문사 '무슨'의 담화표지 기능김명희
2006-08국어 의문사 `무슨`의 담화표지 기능김명희
2005-08국어 의문사의 담화표지화김명희