Determinant of the Uptake of Institutional Deliveries Service among Women in Ermera Municipality, Timor-Leste

Determinant of the Uptake of Institutional Deliveries Service among Women in Ermera Municipality, Timor-Leste
Livia Natalia Maria Guterres Babo
Jung Hye Hwang
Issue Date
Background: Reducing maternal and morbidity and mortality is a global priority which relevant to developing countries. One of the key strategies to reducing maternal morbidity and mortality is increasing institutional service deliveries utilization of mother under skilled birth attendants. The aim of this to find out associated factors and barriers affecting low uptake of institutional deliveries service in Ermera municipality, Timor-Leste Methods A cross sectional study was carried out in Ermera municipality, Timor-Leste between September and October 2017. 296 women were purposively selected for this study as the respondent. Data was obtained through a close ended questionnaire to the respondent. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square in SPSS version 21 was employed for the purpose of data analysis. All factor with P-value <0.05 were considered biologically plausible significant Results: The study indicated that 32.4 delivery at the health facility. 67% of mothers who gave birth at home, 23% were assisted by their family member and TBA, the common reason for home delivery was the labor was short/urgent. Place of residence, maternal education, husband education, husband occupation, knowledge on Antenatal care (ANC), frequency of receiving ANC making women and husband preference of place of delivery; distance, time travel and mode of travel; parity status frequency of delivery at the health facility were significantly associated with uptake of institutional service deliveries Conclusion: Low uptake of institutional delivery service was observed in the study area but higher than nationally documented prevalence. Through evidence from primary sources find that the physical accessibility in term of the distance, time taken and mode of transportation to the nearest health facility has strongly contributed to the low uptake of institutional service deliveries. Improving infrastructure in rural areas also has the potential to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
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