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2012년 형법 중요 판례

2012년 형법 중요 판례
Other Titles
A Study on The Punishment for Simple Possession of Child Pornography
위치추적 전자장치,; 교사의 시국선언,; 집단행위,; 소급효; Electric Monitoring,; The Teachers’ Announcement of State Affair,; Collective Action,; Retroactive Effect
Issue Date
서울법학, 2013, 21(1), P.135-166
이 글에서는 먼저 2012. 1. 1.에서 2012. 12. 31.까지 선고된 대법원 형법판결 중 2건의 전원합의체 판결과 1건의 헌법재판소 결정에 대해 평석하였다. 2건의 전원합의체 판례 중 한 건은 위치추적전자장치 부착명령의 적용요건에 관한 것이고, 다른 하나는 전교조의 시국선언이 국가공무원법상 금지되는 ‘공무 외의 일을 위한 집단행위’에 해당하는가에 관한 것이다. 헌법재판소 결정은 전자장치 부착명령의 소급효를 인정한 규정이 위헌이 아니라고 한 것이다. 위 판결과 결정 이외에 기타 대법원이 선고한 중요판례를 총칙관련 판례와 각칙관련 판례로 나누어 평석하였다. 각 평석은 모두 (1) 사실관계, (2) 판결요지, (3) 평석의 순으로 이루어졌다. In the year of 2012, 181 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court(KSC) are registeredon the homepage of the court. 4 cases of which are decided by the Grand Panel. 2 cases of which arereviewed in this paper. In addition, the one decision of Korean Consitutional Court(KCC) is reviewed. All the reviews are constituted 1. Fact, 2. Summary of Decision and 3. Critical Note. The contents of this paper is as follows;Ⅰ. IntroductionⅡ. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement and the Decision of KCC. 1. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2012. 3. 22., 2011Do15057 In this case, the requirements of electric monitoring are disputed. 2. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2012. 4. 19., 2010Do6388 In this case is disputed, whether the teachers’ announcement constitutes the crime ofcollective action, which is prohibited by the State Official Act. 3. The KCC’s Decision 2012. 12. 27., 2010Hunga82 In this case is disputed whether the provision, which permits the retroactive effect of theelectric monitering order, is unconstitutional or not. Ⅲ. The KSC’s Judgement concerning the General Provisions of Criminal LawIn this chapter, 3 cases are selected and reviewed. IV. The KSC’s Judgement concerning the Particular Provisons of Criminal LawIn this chapter, 6 cases are selected and reviewed.
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