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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-08항공사 승무원의 업무 관련 시기질투 유발요인 분석에 관한 연구현성협
2017-08An integration of cognitive appraisal theory and script theory in the luxury cruise sector: the bridging role of recollection and storytelling현성협
2017-08Key factors maximizing art museum visitors' satisfaction, commitment, and post-purchase intentions현성협
2017-08동아시아 문화권 관광객의 기후변화로 인한 한국관광지 위험지각 차이분석: 한국인, 중국인, 일본인 관광객을 중심으로김남조
2017-08Demographic Differences in Perception, Attitude, and Behavioral Intention toward Carbon-labeled Hotels김남조
2017-08지방정부의 관광위기관리체계에서 단계별 정책네트워크 변화 분석 - 일본 구마모토 지진을 사례로 -이연택
2017-07Understanding the dimensions of customer relationships in the hotel and restaurant industries현성협
2017-07First-class airline travelers' tendency to seek uniqueness: how does it influence their purchase of expensive tickets?현성협
2017-07Fostering customers' pro-environmental behavior at a museum현성협
2017-06Relationships between brand experiences, personality traits, prestige, relationship quality, and loyalty An empirical analysis of coffeehouse brands현성협
2017-06Effects of third-party certification on patrons' service quality evaluation in the luxury-restaurant industry현성협
2017-06사람들은 왜 혼자 여행을 떠나는가이훈
2017-06전시회 서비스스케이프가 참관객의 혼잡지각과 대응행동에 미치는 영향연구 - 한국국제관광전에서의 방문동기 조절효과를 중심으로 -김남조
2017-06뱃길 관광객의 방문동기, 감정적 반응, 만족도, 충성도의 구조적 관계:경인 아라뱃길을 중심으로정철
2017-05Impact of hotel-restaurant image and quality of physical-environment, service, and food on satisfaction and intention현성협
2017-05여가를 통한 자기정체성 형성 모형 : 베이비붐 세대의 여가소외 극복을 중심으로이훈
2017-05Exploring the Relationships between Involvement and Behavioral Intention in the Traditional Market : Focusing on Place Attachment as the Mediator and Gender as the Moderator정철
2017-05숙박공유 플랫폼 이용자의 선택속성에 관한 연구 : 에어비앤비 이용자를 중심으로김남조
2017-03Does travellers' casual attribution affect pre-recovery emotions and behavioural intentions? A field study of airline travellers in Malaysia현성협
2017-03Vivid-memory formation through experiential value in the context of the international industrial exhibition현성협