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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-05자유수면흐름에 적용가능한 동수압 모형의 개발조용식
2011-04An investigation on hazardous and odorous pollutant emission during cooking activities김기현
2011-04SPH입자의 경계조건 분석 및 해석박대효
2011-04Cluster Parallel Algorithm을 이용한 RC 구조물 폭발해석박대효
2011-04수정된 비탄성 교유치해석을 이용한 강사장교의 파괴모드 예측최동호
2011-04사장교의 구조 건전성 모니터링을 위한 USN 시스템 구축조병완
2011-04유비쿼터스 수중환경관리 시스템 구축에 관한 기초연구 1조병완
2011-04LBS를 이용한 유비쿼터스 측량 개념의 실시간 측위시스템 기초 실험 연구조병완
2011-04임베디드 과적 차량 단속시스템 구축방안에 대한 연구조병완
2013-10The role of organic acids in the mobilization of heavy metals from soil김종오
2014-04The gas chromatographic determination of volatile fatty acids in wastewater samples: Evaluation of experimental biases in direct injection method against thermal desorption methodJan Edward Szulejko
2014-12Dynamic responses of a continuous beam railway bridge under moving high speed train with random track irregularity최동호
2014-11Odor and VOC Emissions from Pan Frying of Mackerel at Three Stages: Raw, Well-Done, and CharredJan Edward Szulejko
2014-11Finite element formulation of a refined plate theory for laminated composite plates최동호
2012-12Stabilization process analysis of cable dome structure박대효
2014-11Performance evaluation of a field-scale pilot bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of palm oil mill effluent박주양
2014-11Energy recovery of ethanolamine in wastewater using an air-cathode microbial fuel cell박주양
2013-11A vision-based motion capture and recognition framework for behavior-based safety management한상욱
2013-11Vision-Based Detection of Unsafe Actions of a Construction Worker: Case Study of Ladder Climbing한상욱
2013-11Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the urban atmosphere김기현