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조현병 환자의 결혼 및 성 만족도

조현병 환자의 결혼 및 성 만족도
Other Titles
Marital and Sexual Satisfaction among Patients with Schizophrenia
조현병; 결혼; 결혼만족도; 성; Schizophrenia; Marriage; Marital satisfaction; Sex
Issue Date
神經精神醫學, Sep 2012, 51(5), P.263-270, 8P.
본 연구는 자기보고식 설문지를 사용하여 66명의 조현병환자들을 대상으로 결혼 및 성 만족도를 알아보고 이를 정상대조군의 그것과 비교하였다. 그 결과 조현병 환자의 결혼 및성 만족도는 정상 대조군에 비해서 낮았지만, 두 군에서 모두성 만족도와 결혼 만족도는 의미 있는 상관관계를 보였다. 조현병 환자들의 경우 결혼 만족도에는 배우자로부터의 폭력이영향을 주었으며, 성 만족도에는 나이, 배우자로부터의 폭력유무, 성관계 후 대화 정도, 결혼 전 배우자에게 정신병력에 대한 고지여부 등이 영향을 주었다. 향후 대규모 연구를 통해서조현병 환자들의 결혼 및 성 만족도에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요인들을 보다 광범위하게 파악하고, 그들의 질병 예후와 삶의질을 향상 시킬 수 있도록 많은 관심과 노력이 필요할 것으로생각된다.Objectives The objectives of this study are to assess marital and sexual satisfaction among patients with schizophrenia compared to the general population and to evaluate the factors that may affect these levels.Methods Marital and sexual satisfaction of 66 married schizophrenic patients and 162 married normal controls were assessed with Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness and Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. We compared the differences in marital and sexual satisfaction and influential variables between these two groups through analysis of covariance with adjustment for age and the duration of marriage. Factors associated with marital and sexual satisfaction were identified with multiple regression analysis.Results Patients with schizophrenia showed lower satisfaction with their marriage (p=0.018) and sexual lives (p<0.001) compared to the controls. Marital satisfaction of schizophrenics was influenced by violence from spouse, whereas their sexual satisfaction was affected by age, violence from spouse, conversation frequency after sexual relations, and revealing psychiatric history to spouse before marriage. There was a significant relationship between marital and sexual satisfaction in both groups.Conclusion Patients with schizophrenia may have marital and sexual problems which can be caused directly or indirectly by symptoms and course of the disease. These results suggest that evaluation and appropriate intervention in the marriage and sexual lives of schizophrenics is necessary and important.
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