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박지원의 「楚亭集序」다시 읽기-「序」와 교차 읽기를 토대로-

박지원의 「楚亭集序」다시 읽기-「序」와 교차 읽기를 토대로-
Other Titles
General Edition : Rereading of Park Jiwon`s Chojeongjibseo -based on inter-reading between Seo and Chojeongjibseo-
박지원; 초정집서; 서; 법고; 창신; 고문; 금문; 朴趾源; 楚亭集序; 序; 法古; 創新; 古文; 今文
Issue Date
한서대학교 동양고전연구소
동방학, 2014년, P.133-164
박지원이 박제가에게 써준 서문은 『貞?閣集』에 실린 ?序?와 『燕巖集』에 실린 ?楚亭集序? 두 가지가 있다. 박지원이 1768년에 쓴 ?서?에서는 “만약 능히 옛 것을 배우되 변화할 줄 알고, 창신 하되 능전할 수 있다면 지금의 글이 옛날의 글과 같다[苟 能學古而能變?新而能典今之文猶古之文也].”는 주제를 말하고, 이어지 는 같은 구조의 네 단락에서는 “같음”에 대해 부연한다. 이로 볼 때 ?서 ?에서는 “만약 능히 옛 것을 배우되 변화할 줄 알고, 창신 하되 능전할 수 있다면 지금의 글이 옛날의 글과 같다.”는 주제 중에서도 “지금의 글 이 옛날의 글과 같다[今之文猶古之文也].”에 힘이 실려 있다. 박지원이 1772년에 쓴 ?초정집서?는 내용과 표현에서 ?서?보다 상당 히 다듬어진 글이다. 그런데 ?서?와 ?초정집서?를 교차하여 읽어보면, ? 초정집서?는 의도적으로 순서를 바꾸고 단락을 삭제 또는 보강함으로 인해 주제 중에서 “지금의 글이 옛날의 글과 같다.”는 부분을 희석시키 고 “능히 옛 것을 배우되 변화할 줄 알고, 창신 하되 능전할 수 있어야 한다.”를 부각시켰다. 이는 박지원이 박제가에게 초점을 맞추어 다듬었 기 때문이다. 박제가에게 초점을 맞춘 「초정집서?가 ?서?에 비해 “능히 옛 것을 배우되 변화할 줄 알고, 창신 하되 능전할 수 있어야 한다.”의 논의가 강 화되기는 했으나, 두 글 모두 주제를 읽을 때 “만약 능히 옛 것을 배우 되 변화할 줄 알고, 창신 하되 능전할 수 있다면 지금의 글이 옛날의 글 과 같다.” 중에서도 “지금의 글이 옛날의 글과 같다.”에 힘을 실어 읽어야 할 것이다.Park Jiwon gave Park Jega two letters which were Seo(序) in Jeongyugakjib(貞 ?閣集) and Chojeongjibseo(楚亭集序) in Yeonamjib(燕巖集). Periodically Chojeongjibseo written four years after Seo was focused on Park Jega. Seo was a book that Park Jiwon expressed his opinion to anybody including Park Jega. Searching whole frame of Seo written in 1768, on introduction of that work, he asked how you deal with sentences and expressed the theme “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things, writings in the present and archaic writings were the same.(苟能學古而 能變?新而能典今之文猶古之文也)” In following next four paragraphs, he expatiated on the same. From this point, the themes of Seo were “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things, writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” and it emphasized on “writings in the present and archaic writingst were the same.” Chojeongjibseo written in 1772 more elaborated than Seo in contents and expressions. However Chojeongjibseo elaborated for not only surveying contents or exquisite expressions but also themes comparing Seo. Inter-reading between Seo and Chojeongjibseo, Chojeongjibseo highlighted “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things” and attenuated “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” from the themes “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things, writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” through intentional changing order of sentences and deleting or adding paragraphs. Because of this point, the theme of Chojeongjibseo was read into “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things.” However Park Jiwon imposed the theme, “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things”, on whole respects of Chojeongjibseo, while he remained original episodes about “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” in Seo at the same time. Through this point, we knew that Park Jiwon attenuated the theme, “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” but he did not intend to delete. In other words, Park Jiwon located “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things” on the front, and hid “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” on the other side in Chojeongjibseo at the same time. From this point, the theme of Chojeongjibseo was not only “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things.” While Chojeongjibseo reinforced a discussion, “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things” than Seo, the themes of two writings were “To know doing changes with learning old things, while creating new things, making up for old things” and “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same”, and highlighted on “writings in the present and archaic writings were the same” in two themes.
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