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피부 단자 검사로 평가한 경기도 일부 농업인의 흡입 알레르겐 감작률

피부 단자 검사로 평가한 경기도 일부 농업인의 흡입 알레르겐 감작률
Other Titles
The Sensitization Rates for Inhaled Allergens by Skin Prick Test among Some Farmers in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Agriculture; Occupational Diseases; Skin Tests
Issue Date
농촌의학.지역보건, v. 40, NO 4, Page. 240-249
Objectives: Farmers are known to be exposed to a variety of allergens related to the work environment. This study was conducted to determine the sensitization rates as well as South Korea that they are sensitized to certain allergens farmers through the skin prick test. Methods: By targeting a total of 1143 people living in the rural town of Gyeonggi Province, it was conducted a questionnaire containing demographic and occupational risk factors and underwent skin prick tests with 15 types of allergens(including positive and negative controls). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association between occupational risk factors and skin prick test positivity. Results: Except for the 30 people whose result is invalid, positive rate of the skin prick test was 18.6% in 1,113 people. The species of house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae was the highest at 8.7% and 8.6%. After adjusted by age, gender, smoking and education level, odds ratio of flower plant farmers is 4.467(95% CI: 2.094-9.527) and fruit farmer is 2.275(95% CI: 1.096-4.721). In addition, the rate of sensitization to grass pollen mixture of the flower plant farmers is significantly higher(15.9%, p<0.001) than other allergens. Conclusions: Even farmers, the rate of sensitization to allergens related to the general environment, such as house dust mite is relatively dominant. However, given the presence of potential cross-reactivity between the allergens or distribution showed that the unique aspects of allergen sensitization in the flower growers, occupational cause is not be completely ruled out. 농업인에서 알레르기 질환의 원인이 되는 물질을 찾아내기 위하여 경기도의 일부 농업인 939명을 대상으로 설문 조사와 15가지 흡입 알레르겐들을 사용한 피부 단자 검사 결과를 수행하였다. 하나 이상의 알레르겐에 반응을 보인 감작률은 18.6%였으며 성별 간의 유의미한 차이는 없었다. 주요한 알레르겐으로는 집먼지 진드기, 바퀴벌레, 잔디 꽃가루 혼합물 등으로 나타났으며 화훼 농업과 과수 농업에서 그 오즈비가 높았다. 화훼 재배자의 경우 잔디 꽃가루 감작률이 다른 작목 재배자들에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 비록 농업인들에서도 직업적 요인보다 일반 환경과 관련된 알레르겐에 의한 감작률이 높은 것으로 나타났지만 교차 반응의 가능성을 고려할 때 직업적인 위험도 완전히 배제할 수 없다. 농업인의 건강 증진을 위해 앞으로도 보다 많은 관심과 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
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