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Impact of cardiovascular risk factors and anti-hypertensive drug for the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in young adults

Impact of cardiovascular risk factors and anti-hypertensive drug for the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in young adults
Other Titles
젊은 성인에서 심혈관계 위험인자와 고혈압 약 복용 여부가 뇌경색과 뇌출혈 발생에 끼치는 영향: 대한민국 건강 보험공단 자료 분석을 활용한 코호트 연구
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Issue Date
2021. 8
Background Young adults stroke incidence is showing an increased trend globally, and its social and economic loss are drawing attention. The effect of cardiovascular risk factors and anti-hypertensive medication on stroke incidence in young health adults was analyzed using a large-scale population medical use database in Korea. Methods Five million young healthy Korean adults without comorbidities who underwent regular health check-up exam was included in the cohort. They were categorized to four groups according to blood pressure (normal, elevated BP, stage 1 HTN, and stage 2 HTN) and follow-up for mean 13.9 years. The primary outcome was the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke by tracking the medical use data of first ever ICD-10 codes. Subgroup analysis of stage 2 HTN group categorized to ‘no HTN medication’ and ‘HTN medication group’ according to prescription ratio (<25%; no HTN medication, ≥25%; HTN medication group) of anti-hypertensive drug during follow-up period. Results Stage 2 HTN elevated the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke about 2.18 and 3.07 times (Model 3 multivariate cox proportional hazard regression), respectively, compared to normal BP group. Diabetes mellitus was the dominant risk factor for ischemic stroke, followed by stage 2 HTN, current smoker, obesity, and hyperlipidemia. Stage 2 HTN was the dominant risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke, followed by current smoker, high alcohol intake, and obesity. In stage 2 HTN subgroup analysis, anti-hypertensive medication decreased the incidence of ischemic stroke to 60% (Model 3) and hemorrhagic stroke to 68%, respectively. Conclusions Traditional cardiovascular risk factors contributed to the incidence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in young adults. Anti-hypertensive medication of stage 2 HTN population decreased the incidence of both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke remarkably over 50%. Education and proper guidance for high blood pressure for young adult population may lead to a significant decrease of stroke in future.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > MEDICINE(의학과) > Theses (Ph.D.)
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